How To Do Megan Fox Makeup

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  • shamino
    Jul 20, 05:50 PM
    What? Apple*differentiates the XServes by having them 1U thick and rackmountable. One buys a rackmount server not because it's faster but because it's smaller and fits in a rack.
    and ECC memory
    and dual GigE network ports
    and serial-port management capability
    and Mac OS X server preloaded
    and no bundled video hardware

    The processor and hard drive can be identical to a G5 or Mac Pro, and neither will cut into the other's business. An Xserve makes for a lousy desktop, and a G5 tower is overpriced and not as good when used as a cluster node.

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  • afields
    Aug 5, 06:02 PM
    iMac - No.
    iPod - No.
    MacBook - No.
    MacBook Pro - No.
    MacPro - Yes.
    Xserve - Yes.
    Displays - Yes.
    Leopard Preview - Yes.
    iPhone - Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

    I agree with this. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it was just a leopard preview and mac pro announced. Remember....It's always less than you expect. I would be absolutely *shocked* if anything iphone or ipod related is announced.

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  • pkson
    Apr 19, 07:15 PM
    What is the pic on the bottom? That ain't no Samsung tablet. Looks like a photoshop job.
    All Samsung tabs have SAMSUNG blazed across the top of the face.

    It's a Samsung Galaxy Tab.

    Ridiculous nit-picking. it's in Korean, but I'm sure you get the idea.

    @kdarling: look up.. up... 4 posts up.. There you go.

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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Apr 12, 09:16 AM
    Im waiting til June, if iphone 5 is delayed then i will jump to a nice android smartphone. Many people forget that cellular market has changed a lot and now competition is harder than before, there are nice alternatives, very nice ones.

    Just what do all you whiners NEED in a smartphone that you can't wait for a 3 month "delay" in release of a phone? Cracks me up.

    And if any of you actually switch, I'll bet 2 months after the release of the iPhone 5 you'll be so jealous of its superiority over your current smartphone that you'll end up coming back to Apple. Apple knows this, which is why they laugh in your face.

    Apple iPhones are everywhere. I think I saw a gal in line at the supermarket on food stamps whip out an iPhone.

    And over 95% of iPhone owners are "dumb" users. They don't visit sites like this and if they are on iPhone 3G will probably upgrade to iPhone 4 if that is all that is available in June/July. And they will be happy. They will hear a little about iPhone 5 in Sept. but won't really care. That's the pulse of the American people. Geeks on this forum are in the minority.

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  • bernardoruas
    Jun 8, 09:13 PM
    are we goona be able to buy contract free iPhone 4? i don't even think about unlocked but contract free for a reasonable price would be great.

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  • AtHomeBoy_2000
    Aug 5, 05:38 PM
    BitTorrent is great if you're using a cable modem or DSL with almost equal upload/download ratios.But I'm using a Satellite..Downloads are great but the uploads are only 256k
    Nothing wrong with leaching if you have to ;)

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 31, 03:47 PM
    Adobe showing how the iPad is only for consumption and not worth their time. (

    Yeah... that's why they are "wasting their time" building a prototype. :rolleyes:

    Adobe see's 15 million seats and growing fast.

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  • bibbz
    Jun 9, 01:34 PM
    WOW Awesome Thank you so much for the info and the fast response.

    I like employees that are on message boards like this and respond to questions like these and taking the time out of their day. Thanks.

    So just to make sure. If I do go along with the Trade In on Tuesday I don't have to give them my phone then? when I go back to pick it up then they will take it?


    NP bro, glad i could help!

    Don't do your trade in Tuesday, if you do, yes you have to give them the phone right then. Just have it appraised Tuesday so you know how much you can get for it. You want to actually do it they day you get the iPhone4 and give them your old one.

    Now if you are afraid the values will drop as launch day gets closer and you want to be locked in with the quote you get Tuesday, then you will have to give it to them on Tuesday.

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  • bernardoruas
    Jun 8, 09:13 PM
    are we goona be able to buy contract free iPhone 4? i don't even think about unlocked but contract free for a reasonable price would be great.

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  • Henri Gaudier
    Aug 17, 04:34 AM
    It's odd, seeing as Mac's are still the choice for many musicians that some kind of specs are never given that would be of interest to musicians. The released figures don't do much for me. I'd like to know the polyphony improvements say for Kontakt under both systems in Digital Performer 5. Other than, of course you can't because Mac have pulled the rugs out from the software developers feet again. Hence, the software doesn't exist yet. Anyway, the Intel should beat the G5. The Quad G5 is a year old and at the time of it's release it was considered disappointing because we'd had a 2.7 processor released 6 months before that ... so I think the expectation (And SJ promise) was for a Quad 3.0. Quad 2.5 was almost like a step back. Aren't these the results, more or less, that SJ promised 2 years ago? Only he's had to F about with our work flow yet again? Yeah great! In 18 months when everything has settled down and been revised a few times and the software has undergone some adjustments we'll all be coasting along and BAM .. Apple are switching again back to Freescale who are now world leaders. "The Freescale roadmap" say Steve Jobs " is very exciting...."

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  • flatlined
    Jun 9, 11:35 AM
    no worries bro, hope i could help! :)

    WOW Awesome Thank you so much for the info and the fast response.

    I like employees that are on message boards like this and respond to questions like these and taking the time out of their day. Thanks.

    So just to make sure. If I do go along with the Trade In on Tuesday I don't have to give them my phone then? when I go back to pick it up then they will take it?


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 22, 10:19 PM
    The U.N. Security Council perhaps, but not the entire assembly. It would have been interesting to open that issue up to debate and seen how all the members would have voted.

    The security council, not the general assembly, is the organ tasked with authorizing UN military action. The point of the security council is to enable the UN to make rapid strategic decisions without a general debate. It's an imperfect system to be sure, but I don't think requiring a full debate in the general assembly would be an efficient way to respond to this sort of situation.

    What I always wonder is what diplomatic efforts were used to pressure Qaddafi? There were no (as far as I know) threats of economic embargoes, freezing of assets, or other less violent methods to coerce Qaddafi. We didn't need to convince him to step dow. We simply needed to convince him that he needed to tone down, defend himself against the armed insurrection, but not cast a wider and violent campaign against innocent civilians.

    We could have responded simply with economic sanctions.

    Based on Gaddafi's treatment of the initial protests (not to mention his tendencies over 40 years of autocratic rule), I strongly question whether economic sanctions are going to apply sufficient pressure to Gaddafi to relinquish power. Like Mubarak, he is a political strongman who is not easily cowed by threats.

    I need a clearer demonstration that serious steps were taken before resorting to war. War should be used as the last resort and only when it's clear that all other options have failed.

    I agree that war should be considered a last resort. I also think that the US government is generally too quick to undertake armed intervention. But in this case we took sides in a war that was already in progress. The UN's choices were either non-intervention, non-military intervention, or direct military intervention in some form.

    I suppose the point at which "all other options have failed" is a debatable one, since everyone has different opinions on what constitutes a valid option. There are many questions without simple answers. How do we judge failure? Is the purpose of the intervention (military or otherwise) to aid the rebels? Or is it merely to prevent Gaddafi killing civilians? If the latter is the case, does allowing him to remain in power serve that cause? If not, what should we do about it?

    At the bottom of all this though, the goal of current foreign intervention (military or otherwise) is clear to me - to remove Gaddafi from power and recognize the rebel transitional government as the legitimate government of Libya.

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  • MrSmith
    Mar 25, 10:59 PM
    Since Launchpad is obviously considered by Apple to be the selling point of Lion, I think I'll wait until there's actually something to spend money on.

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  • Cougarcat
    Mar 26, 03:41 PM
    You're too lost in a programing manual to see the point people are making. Blending is taking 2 things and mixing them together, or parts of things. Merging would be taking 2 things to make 1 new thing. Don't be so literal.

    I don't disagree with what you are saying, but that isn't the point the guy I quoted was making. He was being that literal: "Step 2 may very well be the one & only Apple OS - based on iOS." This is absurd. Obviously OS X is taking cues from iOS. As you say, they've said so. But that's all that they are doing. (Now, might a Mac at some point use iOS in some way? Sure. Imagine a trackpad that was basically an iPod touch, or being able to fold our MacBook screens flat, which would boot iOS and turn it into an iPad. I'm sure Apple has some interesting things cooking in their labs. But OS X as we know it isn't disappearing.)

    There's a group of doom and gloom people on these boards that believe OS X will go away and we'll have one OS which we'll poking at our screens with no access to the underlying file system and we'll have to start jailbreaking our Macs. This line of thinking is idiotic.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 19, 11:29 AM
    I missed you guys this morning. ;)

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  • Chundles
    Jul 20, 08:20 AM
    Why not? Introduction of world's first commercial 8-core system. Live via webstream, with an awesome keynote, and a presentation of Final Cut Pro using all eight cores to maximum effiency with a live render at a geecktacular speed:)

    Would be a very long keynote too:

    - release date of 10.5 revealed - possibly more stuff revealed
    - new software (considerable update to iWork if the rumours are true)
    - iMac/MacBook updates
    - iPod/iTunes stuff

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  • guzhogi
    Jul 14, 07:16 PM
    Power supplies produce a lot of heat. It makes great sense according to simply the most basic laws of thermodynamics.

    I'm no physicist, but even I know that warmer air rises so if the power supply was at the bottom, all that heat would go up the entire case (not counting whatever fans are in there) and make it harder to cool maybe. But as I said, I'm no physicist & I don't know how all this all works. It would be cool (pun not intended) if it were possible to create a vacuum inside, that woould help solve heating issues since (if I remember my high school physics) temperature is just how much energy matter has. If there's no matter in the case other than the components, then it should be pretty cold in there.

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  • Stella
    Apr 25, 02:19 PM
    Apple may ( are probably ) innocent, but they mis managed this. If they pushed out an official press release to explain why this, instead of keeping quite then the whole thing would have blown over.

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  • Bosunsfate
    Aug 5, 04:44 PM
    I'm sure it will have a sensor on the computer... but as an added selling point, a second sensor on the Apple display... so you can put your computer under your desk and still use Front Row.

    I agree. You'll have multiple options either way.

    I think the really big display update, would be just that. A 40" or 50" monitor.:rolleyes:

    Jun 10, 08:17 PM
    Without any adapters and just the phone this is what Radio Shack says...
    My phone was just replaced by Apple a few weeks ago. I am curious to see if the value drops as each day goes on. I don't want to be without a phone right now but that isn't a bad value being the value of them on eBay right now. Making $30-40 isn't worth the trouble on eBay. I will be trading mine in for sure.'re using different quote systems in the store. My pristine 16GB 3G with charger came in on the web @ $185.94 while the in store quote is only $141 and dropping daily according to the manager here. So I'm doing the FedEx pre-paid shipping to CEXCHANGE for the higher amount. Might have to wait for the gift card past the 24th but I'd rather get the higher amount. Plus my store manager says he'll hold my reserved iPhone until the gift card comes back if it doesn't arrive back in 2 weeks. :)

    Mar 31, 03:47 PM
    Adobe showing how the iPad is only for consumption and not worth their time. (

    Yeah... that's why they are "wasting their time" building a prototype. :rolleyes:

    Adobe see's 15 million seats and growing fast.

    Apr 8, 12:57 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Well what happened is the following. They received ipads earlier this week. Didn't sell them because the Sunday ad has that Best Buy will have them in stock. Due to bait and switch laws if the ad has it they have to have a certain amount of stock. Apple didn't like it that we didn't sell through them any way and pull the add.

    Apr 19, 01:50 PM
    It's ambiguous whether they mean the beginning of March, the end of March, or somewhere in between. This will have a huge impact on the iPad numbers since iPad 2 didn't go on sale until March 11, and has been severely constrained since then.

    Apr 25, 04:39 PM
    You are skating around the issue of user permission. If you use this app to track your location - its YOUR CHOICE. However, the issue here is that Apple is collecting the data without the option of user choice. Even turning off location services does not stop the collection and submittal to Apple of this information.

    That is what is the hearty of the matter - do we, as users, have the right to opt to to the collection and submittal of location data to Apple ? With your example, you do, as you can turn off the app at will.

    Please, link me any evidence this is submitted to Apple.


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