The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Images

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 02:48 PM
    The First Commercial GUI
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.


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  • shamino
    Jul 22, 12:06 PM
    I'm just curious about your post. Why would anyone in their right mind maintain a website for a product/company that no longer exists? Seems like a big waste of time and resources. I can see doing something similar for archival purposes, but that link leads to a complete website that has the appearance that it is still active.
    I can think of several reasons. To sell service and support to users that have no other source, and has a hobby are the biggest two that come to mind.

    You might be surprised to learn that there are still a lot of Amiga ( web sites, and even one where the owners are making new hardware ( for Apple-II series computers. (And there appears to be a surprisingly strong demand for Apple II Ethernet cards!)

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  • Macsterguy
    Mar 26, 04:47 PM

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  • mentholiptus
    Apr 10, 10:15 PM

    The iPad is not a serious computer. This will never happen.

    It's just a fad.

    Ignore the big-name game titles for iOS. Ignore the upcoming Photoshop app. Ignore the millions of sales. Ignore the copycats in the market.

    It'll all go away very soon.

    Unless, like I posted earlier, the iPad app functions as a UI for the main application over the network. The Mac (or cluster of macs) takes care of the heavy lifting, and the iPad is used to make edits remotely, and broadcast to HDTV's.

    AirPlay & AirEdit.

    If you had a cluster of Mac Pro's using thunderbolt (or whatever...ethernet, fibre, etc) to talk to each other, and you used the iPad as a remote UI, you could edit, compress, and broadcast from anywhere.

    Apple has all the pieces in place to do this. AirPlay, AppleTV, iPad, iTunes as a media hub for all the devices to communicate, Qmaster, etc...

    This has been a long time coming. I remember in 2006-2007 hearing rumors that Apple was working on a tablet like controller for logic. It was to be used to edit the timeline, or act as a virtual mixer, etc. This has been brewing for years, and I think it's almost a reality.

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  • portishead
    Apr 9, 02:06 AM
    Professional Editor for about 10 years. I came up before the DV revolution, and before Final Cut even existed. Before Non linear editing even existed really - or at least was widely used. It's crazy how far the editing world has come when I look back.

    I did my first non-linear editing on an Amiga video toaster. I also learned Media 100 & Premiere. I have used FCP on and off since version 1.0. I used Avid Professionally around 5 years, and now back on FCP for about 4 years. It's not really my choice, I use what my employer uses. Avid was great when I used it but the editing world is growing so fast. I didn't like the closed system, and the expensive hardware. I will say I was faster on an Avid than I probably ever will be in Final Cut. Maybe that's my own laziness, but whatever...

    So here we are in 2011. It seems Premiere has come on strong and is doing good things. I will most likely never use it though. I really like Final Cut, but if Apple ever got out of the game, I'd go back to Avid. It is my opinion that Avid is better for narrative, but Final Cut is better for a more diverse set of projects. For what I do at my job, Final Cut works fine, and I prefer it over Avid.

    People spend a lot of time arguing, but they are just editing systems. They all do essentially the same thing. Some edit software may have better features, or better compatibility with certain things, but software is always changing anyway.

    I think Final Cut has been ahead of the game for most of the past 10 years. In the last year, maybe 2, I think it has lost ground to Premiere and Avid. It's normal. You can't be on top all of the time. I am hoping with this next release, it will put Final Cut back on top for the foreseeable future.

    Edit software is getting very good. I think we are very close to hitting a sweet spot. I cannot speak for Avid or Premiere since I haven't used them in several years but for Final Cut some things need to improve. I think the biggest problem is quicktime itself. It's become bloated with all the focus on iTunes music, and film. Apple needs to do something about this. It also needs to be 64-bit and use processing/memory better. Also better integration with Video cards. Also RGB 444 doesn't work in Final Cut. Compressor is horrible and outdated. I like Motion just fine although I would prefer a few interface tweaks which I won't get into. I don't ever use Soundtrack because I think it's horrible, and I have the luxury of having an audio guy at work.

    I think Final Cut is a pretty good program and if Apple puts in a little more work it can be great. Different people have different workflows and want different things out of their edit systems. It's pointless arguing about specific features.

    I LOVE ProRes and it has absolutely saved editing for me. I love editing and I'm exciting for what the next version of Final Cut will bring. Sorry for the rant this should have been a blog post instead.

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  • fastlane1588
    Aug 5, 05:35 PM
    iMac - No.
    iPod - No.
    MacBook - No.
    MacBook Pro - No.
    MacPro - Yes.
    Xserve - Yes.
    Displays - Yes.
    Leopard Preview - Yes.
    iPhone - Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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  • Ahheck01
    Apr 12, 10:27 AM
    The SuperMeet stage show aka FCP (or if **** hits the fan then iMovie Pro) preview begins at 7 pm.

    7pm Vegas Time? If so, for others scheduling your availability like me :cool::

    Pacific Time: 7:00pm
    Mountain Time: 8:00pm
    Central Time: 9:00pm
    Eastern Time: 10:00pm

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 04:27 PM
    1. Have you seen honeycomb?

    I have.

    Its a work of art. "Work of art???" Kind of like Dogs Playing Poker? :confused:

    5. PAUSE. Games apple does not have more games then Android. Android has Emulators which allow it to play NES, GBA, and countless others. Do to this android has tons more games.

    LOL WUT? You're honestly going to count emulated games (pirated in almost all cases) as Android games?


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  • sysiphus
    Mar 21, 02:39 PM
    It is in fact somewhat problematic. At present, the government is basically run by moneyed interests that supply the funding needed for the candidates to get into office (so that they can shower favours upon their benefactors and sponsors). This is the sixth check/balance, which was not literally codified but has become standard via legal precedent. Those of us who feel that real change is called for still support the (p)resident because he is the one least likely to enact tragic "progress". The system is, nonetheless, dreadfully broken. The idiots that I hold in serious contention are either marginalized into submission or holding seats of power, a situation that serves only to amplify our division, to our detriment.

    I see your point. Personally, I'd been hoping Obama might hold ground on issues such as torture/surveillance/getting out of wars, and was fully prepared to accept fiscal policies I would hate (as a conservative--NOT a Republican, mind you) if we'd get some of the aforementioned issues. Gave up on any hope of that when PATRIOT got extended, though...on a few social issues (gay rights) Obama has distinguished himself admirably from his predecessor. However, in the big picture, we've still got a shill for big business and big government/brother, who is overextending the American military with conflicts in which we cannot afford to participate. /end rant

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  • Legion93
    Apr 6, 03:34 PM
    Perfect day for this news....

    I have a new 13" MBA sitting here at my desk unopened...just dropped off from FedEx today. I'm debating whether or not to just return it and wait for the refresh or be happy with what I got.

    I'm a very light user..web, email, iTunes, sync iPhone and iPad. Do I really need the Sandy Bridge power..probably not but I dont want to have the "old not so shiny ball" come June (as the rumors suggest).

    Any help from the MR community is greatly appreciated!

    Don't get your hopes up, as any rumour is just a speculation. Apple may or may not release any updated version of the MBA very soon, but it can all depend. If you really want power, you could sell your Air for a MBP, which came out only couple months ago.

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 25, 09:03 PM
    Ask me, phone support has been pretty lousy for years (at least since 1996 or whenever they instituted the stupid 90-day support rule that doesn't mirror the 1 year warranty.)

    After reading through this thread, doesn't it concern everyone that so many of us have dealt with customer support over the past couple years.

    What ever happened to quality control? I am not sure I have ever bought one Apple product since 1996 that I didn't end up calling Apple Customer support because something was wrong.

    I remember buying a lot of computers, Apple II's, original macs, Commodore 64's, Amigas, Dells, etc. that never once required a phone call. Now everything I buy from Apple breaks or needs a repair prior to it's warranty running out. I have also had two machines and an ipod go completely bad after the warranty expired.

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  • Tomaz
    Aug 7, 07:08 PM
    sadly I cant by any more letters to complete a better signature.!

    You should at least "by" a "u"... (and maybe an apostrophe) :D

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  • Hellhammer
    Apr 6, 11:26 AM
    Hellhammer, can I ask you something about this? There are SB LV and now SB ULV. Both are for laptops and the Macbook Pro 13 has SB LV, right? Or does the Pro has something else? What is the performance difference between an equally clocked ULV and LV?


    13" MBP uses SV chips, i.e. standard voltage (35W). Before it used MV (medium voltage, 25W) chips but Sandy Bridge does not offer CPUs like that. LV (25W) and ULV (17W) chips have not been released yet but will be released shortly like the article says.

    If the clock speed and other specs are the same, then the performance is the same. ULV and LV chips are only separated by the TDP which causes the ULV to have lower clock speed. Otherwise they are the same chips.

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  • Evangelion
    Aug 12, 03:45 AM
    iPhone = bad idea and difficult to implement beyond the USA.

    If they are smart, they will make it a GSM/UMTS-phone, which is THE most widely used system there is. Then it would work in just about everywhere. USA is just about the only place using those weird systems for mobile phone, but they do use GSM in USA as well. So why use anything else than GSM?

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  • SwiftLives
    Mar 17, 10:55 AM
    While I disagree with your statement that both parties are the same, I will concede that both parties work for interests that are not necessarily the same as those of the people who voted for them...

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  • epitaphic
    Sep 13, 07:59 AM
    What I couldn't understand - I couldn't see it explained in the article - why is the dual core Mac Pro (i.e. with current Mac Pro with 2 cores disabled) faster in so many tests than the 4 core Mac Pro.

    probably due to latency involved in distributing the load across the two processors. that's the same problem a single Clovertown would have. Only true quads wouldn't suffer from these problems (earliest seems to be Harpertown in don't know if there are any non-MCM Xeons scheduled before then)

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  • p0intblank
    Aug 16, 10:43 PM
    Photoshop actually runs faster than I thought it would. :D

    If only I could afford a Mac Pro... :(

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  • totoum
    Apr 12, 12:31 PM
    I use ProRes for almost everything, so this doesn't bother me.

    So wait,on the projects you're working on,is everyone using recorders to record direct to prores or do you enjoy having to waste time converting everything you get?

    Never had problems with this.

    Then I'm guessing you do your cross fades manualy?

    edit:and I do get your point,it works,but other competitors over the last couple years have brought improvements that I'd like to also see in FCP

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  • Mister Snitch
    Mar 31, 02:46 PM
    I knew it would happen eventually.
    It was.... their DESTINY!

    Jul 27, 10:12 AM
    i cant wait to do this to my mac mini. i bought the core solo with the intention of upgrading the chip myself (once i heard core 2 was pin to pin compatible) but my question now is does anyone know if the version shipping is still pin to pin compatible???!?!?!

    Apr 9, 01:29 AM
    TDP != Max power draw

    It's not. See my earlier post in this thread. Maximum power dissipation is usually 20-30% more.

    Jun 22, 08:19 AM

    They are supposed to.

    However, nobody knows how much stock
    Radio Shack is going to receive.

    There are those that have reserved phones.
    Stock may only cover those. Perhaps there
    will be a few extras.

    RS is on the low end of the totem pole for
    receiving stock of these new phones so I
    suspect there will not be many on hand.

    Apr 6, 06:08 AM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?

    There are many ways of delivering content other than BluRay. But if one insists, there is a rudimentary BluRay output currently in FCP. Or burn with Toast. Or author in anything from Adobe Encore to high-end PC-based BluRay authoring systems.

    While I accept that you are not acting the troll, you do need to learn a bit more about the video/film world.

    Apr 27, 08:49 AM;page=101

    There you have it. The birthers aren't satisfied. I knew it.


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