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  • HiRez
    Apr 7, 01:20 PM
    Wow, that is completely awesome! Now we need the Colecovision emulator and games, and Namco and Nintendo packs...

    It shows you how amazing these games were that they can still make money on them over 30 years later.

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  • BovaM3someday
    Aug 9, 03:42 PM

    how did you go about setting your desktop up like this?

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  • FoxyKaye
    Nov 4, 05:50 PM
    Just to throw my hat into the ring:
    Wiretap (

    I have found this very useful in different circs. It runs 'on the top' of any application and takes up little processor
    * take a funny quote from a DVD and use it as a system-beep
    * record internet radio to listen to later

    I'll second this emotion - I do some side DJ work, and this app is great for ripping samples and remixing when I'm dropping stuff to CDs. Grab the sound in WireTap, convert it to anything from AIFF to MP3 in Sound Studio, and mix it with either Sound Studio or Peak. I've sampled everything from Ghostbusters (Annie Potts, "Ghostbusters, what do you want!?") to Ronald Reagan (all his quotes about aliens to mix with Blondie's "Rapture") with this app -- it's a lot of fun to use and completely free. I wouldn't use it for heavy duty audio, but for sampling and quick rips it's great.

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  • rich2000
    Oct 11, 02:59 PM
    It's an OK update but I'm kinda disappointed was expecting much more. There are other Twitter clients out there with more features. I'll give them the map though.. thats nice.

    I'm using Tweetings at the moment, I like the post what your listening to on your iPod feature.


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  • tropicoola
    Oct 9, 04:06 PM
    In the mood for theming.

    Snowleopard. (

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  • shartypants
    Mar 25, 11:51 AM
    Google Maps is the gold standard, but Apple has been known to overthrow standards :)


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  • Wolf103FM
    Oct 10, 09:01 PM
    I gladly paid the $3 for tweetie 1.0, after trying it cracked for 5 minutes (and no i don't have any cracked apps anymore). I gladly paid $3 again when 2.0 came out, and will yet again if 3.0 is also paid, because I have a job and can afford nice things, like a $3 app, and an iPhone.

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  • jwdsail
    Dec 1, 08:54 AM
    Not when there are plenty of people who don't know/don't care about such restrictions. You may refuse to do business with the studios due to their draconian rights management, but all the higher end services are covered with them. The result is you're one of the lowest spending consumers on the entertainment industry's radar.

    The sad fact is, you don't want to play ball and they could care less when you're in the minority.

    Do you ever wonder why you cable company doesn't offer any special limited time rates on basic cable service?

    But I'm *NOT* one of the lowest spending customers... I'm constantly buying DVDs from Amazon... I don't have room for the DVDs I have as it is... My cable bill makes me want to puke.. I'd hold my entertainment spending up against any on this forum..

    I'm refusing to buy the latest CRAP-laden disks, possible-broadcast flag-filled broadcasts, and downloads they're trying to shove down our throats in the future... I'm saying if they want to keep my future business at anywhere near my current rates, they better make the future DRM/Crap/etc more like what we have now, or they will loose sales..

    How can that NOT be on their RADAR?




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  • MacLawyer
    Feb 19, 04:50 PM
    Link (


    Sweet! Is that a widget running at the bottom of the screen?

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  • Sic
    Nov 2, 05:05 AM
    best thing you can do is get yourself over to and join their mailing lists. they're fantastic with their help on'll always find an answer to any question you have.

    other than that, i just refer to books


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  • oban14
    Apr 4, 01:25 PM
    I hate AT&T with a passion. Yet, I'd never switch to Verizon because I'm hooked on 3Mbps + speeds. They're the crack of carriers.

    Just so you know, Verizon's 4G LTE speeds blow AT&T out of the water.

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  • fawlty
    May 2, 04:42 AM
    Thank you for referencing one of the greatest films ever!

    That post is going straight to the poolroom...


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  • ShavenYak
    Sep 27, 08:28 AM
    I had .mac two years ago but didn't renew it. I use for email and have a reseller web hosting account with gigabytes of space, and pay less than $99/year for both. Here's the things that would make me consider paying for .mac:

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 14, 06:48 PM
    Well im at school so it would be using there power :) Do these tasks kinda lock the PS3 down for a specific amount of time or what?

    Got PS3 and my MBP running them.

    well i'm not sure, but i don't do anything else on my PS3 when it's folding. I stop the folding when i'm using it.

    glad you got them both folding! ;)


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  • Hisdem
    Oct 11, 05:20 PM
    Download the Application Nocturne. If you Google search Nocturne I believe its the 3rd one down from the top. There is an option within there that allows you to invert the menubar. If you don't like the orange highlights it gives you when you first invert it just check the option Invert Hue. The preferences can be accessed via the menubar icon that shows up when the app is opened. :D:D:D

    Oh nice! Too bad it makes the keyboard layout indicators look odd. Using it on the iMac though :)

    BTW, anyone know why the center part of the Time Machine logo is not showing in my black menubar? :confused:

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  • ranviper
    Dec 26, 11:43 PM
    Wowee!! Congratulations!! :p And yeah, other people may have gotten all sorts of gadgets, but no iPad is gonna top a lifelong partner (99 times out of 100 at least :o)

    Hahaha, you right, and thanks! My mom got an iPad from my dad, so I get to play with it here and there. Pretty nifty, but I don't know if I would ever drops the money on a big iPhone. :p


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  • AHDuke99
    Apr 7, 09:57 AM
    4.3 and 4.3.1 has been a disaster. The animations are so choppy it makes it almost androidesque. I hope they actually fix it this time rather than just patching a jailbreak. I wish I could go back to 4.2.1 where the phone was actually stable and smooth.

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  • Kaiser Phoenix
    Dec 2, 04:34 PM

    Link please??

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  • Mala
    Jan 12, 02:26 AM
    If I could get Apple's programmers to make one change, the first would be to bring back the handy method of choosing what application to open from a web address in email.

    Used to be that if you wanted to change this, you option-clicked on the address, and a list of applications came up.

    This is now gone, and I have no idea how to change the browser that is the automatic choice.

    Others? What would you change?

    Apr 7, 10:06 AM
    almost androidesque

    that's rich. i like the term.

    i have noticed the same sluggishness at times but thought it was just me....

    Oct 15, 09:03 PM
    Any better once please not built in itunes one.

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 29, 03:04 PM
    You were modded down cause you're talking crap. HTH.

    Samsung know they are in trouble with the Apple suits, and rightly so. But instead of just defending the suit against them, they are making stuff up to get back at Apple.

    What it is, is childish.

    you really should go look up how it works before you start insulting us.

    I was not talking crap. That little tid pit I put in about the filing only if getting pissed off and sued came form our resident patent lawyer on these boards who explain why many times you only see law suits after they get sued. They go into the file if sued by so and so bring these up.
    That is why many of these patents are filed away and never really sued unless antoher company starts pissing you off or acting childish like Apple. It gives you more leverage to use against them in their lawsuit against you.

    I do find it funny. Fanboys cheered when Apple sued Samsung but Samsung responds and now called Samsung childish.
    Fanboys call Kodak pantint trolls when they sued apple.
    Fanboys cheer when Apple sued Nokia but booed about Nokia sueing apple.
    Noticed a pattern there.

    Oct 1, 08:27 AM
    This is the image I use for my desktop. If you want to download the full-size attachment you can find it on my deviantART page here ( I figured that I didn't need to take an actual screenshot because I don't use GeekTool, I don't have customized icons for my external devices, and I hide my dock.

    Apr 20, 07:53 PM
    Try Trillian.


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