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  • Michael Jordan Logo

  • islesguy81
    Jun 10, 11:26 AM
    If T-mobile gets the iPhone maybe they will have better data plans than AT&T

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  • jordan logo tattoo. jordan

  • GimmeSlack12
    Feb 22, 03:04 PM
    I've been trying to get one as well, who'd you send your e-mails to?

    I did nothing. Called no one. Complained no where. Dumb luck that I got the notice in the mail.

    If the Microcell drew enough power for me to be concerned about it I'd bitch about the power consumption. But with a power bill that's about $30/mo. I don't care.

    jordan logo pictures. air jordan logo - 113309
  • air jordan logo - 113309

  • Etrain
    Mar 24, 05:23 PM
    32GB syncing now! $426 OTD. They didn't have any 16GB near me, but one store said they are getting a few in tomorrow. So, even if they are out now, check tomorrow I guess.

    jordan logo pictures. might see his Jordan logo
  • might see his Jordan logo

  • DarkForces
    Apr 5, 11:03 AM
    I just hope I can get an iPad 2, so I can verify CR ;) Still waiting for mine to come in. :(


    jordan logo pictures. jordan logo 2011. jordan logo
  • jordan logo 2011. jordan logo

  • rhett7660
    Apr 8, 12:00 AM
    50 billion out of a budget of what? A trillion and a bit? What's really ridiculous is all the petty bitching coming out of DC over what amounts to less than 5% of the total. The Titanic is hit and two engineers are fighting over whether or not to turn on one pump.

    If the government "shuts down", not much will change. Life will continue.

    Not if you count on your paychecks coming from them. Life will continue sure, but it will be a hell of a lot harder.

    This has happened before and it is crap anyway you look at.

    jordan logo pictures. Jordan Jumpman Logo CZ
  • Jordan Jumpman Logo CZ

  • zap2
    May 2, 02:51 PM
    Gives us a nice goal to get out of Afghanistan have finished. We got him and destroyed his network ability to launch large attacks. And hopefully but Afghanistan into a position where the moderates will be in control.

    Were we ever going to stop terrorism with guns? No, but thats a long term battle we need to be fighting. And its one that starts with leaving Iraq and Afghanistan.


    jordan logo pictures. jordan logo 2011. posted by
  • jordan logo 2011. posted by

  • byulasfjazz
    Aug 19, 10:40 AM
    I saw a story on the news recently where someone accepted a friendship request from someone they went to high school with and were friends with in high school. I guess they didn't know this person as well as they thought. They were actually being watched and monitored for the best times to break into their home. I know this an unusual circumstance but it definitely proves that you can't be too careful.

    like I said...if you didnt read.. PEOPLE YOU KNOW AND SEE ON A NORMAL BASIS...not some friend from school 10 years ago..

    Please you guys know who your REAL friends are...

    for people like ME.. this feature is genius for finding my CLOSE friends and family.

    jordan logo pictures. Jordan Logo by Gary Goza II
  • Jordan Logo by Gary Goza II

  • Keleko
    Mar 3, 06:45 AM
    Ooo, I'm gonna be first. I took this during the Fernbank Museum (in Atlanta) visit that I'm posting my mythical creatures photos. I was rather self conscious taking this photo, and I wanted to make sure I was not seen doing it. When I saw this scene I was struck by more than one contrast going on. The one I didn't include was with the kids that were also with the couple, but I didn't feel comfortable getting a shot with the kids, too. (


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  • jordan logo wallpaper.

  • iGav
    Sep 16, 06:30 AM
    Originally posted by jefhatfield

    i hope by the time pentium 5 hits the shelves, there will be a G5 on the shelves

    btw, igav, i see that you are on akira's site...i should go there and join up and give the old alphatech a hard time...i miss alphatech and his intelligent comments...even when he gets unintelligent and flames newbies:eek: :p ;)

    I would think that by the time Intel do inflict the P5 upon that we'll be if not running machines with Apples next generation PPC at that time, then they'll be right around the corner......

    And yep I joined akira's site...... although I won't be using it like I do mr...... and as akira said, it's not a rumour site, it's a discussion and problem site about current technical issues and hardware and software...... I thought Alphatech was funny...... sure he sometimes got a little heated, but there was alot of people that deserved it, and hey it spiced things up...... :p

    He seem alot more chilled over at his site..... so that's cool.... :)

    P.S It's good to have you back Jef....... ;) :)

    jordan logo pictures. nike jordan logo
  • nike jordan logo

  • hulugu
    Aug 14, 05:11 PM
    ...I can't think of one person I've talked to who found the ads to be completely positive. The people I know who like Macs were all a bit uncomfortable like me, being stereotyped as smug and elitist.

    If someone calls me smug or elitist because of these commercials I'll be forced to hurt them....Or at least sack their house with siege machines.

    Apple Ads = Chiat Day/Apple Executives
    Me != Chiat Day/Apple Executives

    Therefore, Apple Ads != Me. I don't know why people cannot grasp this simple idea.


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  • in Air+jordan+logo+wings

  • TheSlush
    Feb 18, 01:28 PM
    Can't help thinking that if Eric Schmidt and Steve Jobs could split the difference on their weight, they'd both be better off. :D

    This is getting silly, maybe he was at the cancer center for a checkup and that's it

    Yes, this is perfectly possible.

    jordan logo pictures. Air Jordan logo on the
  • Air Jordan logo on the

  • sikkinixx
    Mar 28, 07:59 AM
    Got yesterday. Traded in 5 games at EB for $125 credit, DSi for $80 and CoD:BlOps for $40, sooooo yeah! I figured why not. They still had a TON of them left at 5pm. Either not popular or they made too many.

    No games though! Too poor to afford any so I have just been messing with the AR games and faceraiders. Quite cool. I second MRU on the jaggies... needs a 6950 crammed in it somehow ;) And I second JackAxe, why glossy finish? Frankly, the DSi was the perfect DS hardware. Good buttons, dpad, screens, size, finish and the 3DS is a step down. And damn is it ugly! I couldn't handle the blue, it's about 5 different colours.

    I was really curious about the 3D effect and the test nearly made my eyes explode. It was weird and actually hurt. Luckily I don't find actual use like that. The jarring thing is the menu. Since the upper screens (the "title screens") of the Apps is in 3D moving all around while the touch screen obviously isn't. So looking between the two causes my brain to yell at me. My girlfriend immediately turned off the 3D and told me she is never going to use it.... so yeah.

    For free I am happy. I'll be happier once Zelda/Mario/Starfox comes out. And my girlfriend will crap herself when Animal Crossing makes it out.


    jordan logo pictures. Download Free Air Jordan Logo
  • Download Free Air Jordan Logo

  • Full of Win
    Nov 6, 05:09 AM
    I'm waiting for the Mark of the Beast = RFID comments to begin.

    Serious, there are several segments of the population out there that have objections to this type of technology. I don't know if Apple cares though.

    jordan logo pictures. Jordan logo, step by step
  • Jordan logo, step by step

  • satcomer
    Apr 8, 10:37 PM
    The price at Sonco(US) today:


    jordan logo pictures. Nike Michael Jordan Logo
  • Nike Michael Jordan Logo

  • fifthworld
    Feb 25, 08:41 AM
    Agree 100% - as I said in my original post, I don't think Apple are in any way culpable here: It's not their job to set prices for apps or in-app purchases. I also think Parents need to accept responsibility and watch their kids more carefully.

    My only issue with this is the exploitative behavior of the publishers of the Apps - I can't think of any reason for charging the huge prices they do apart from someone thinking "Some parents are dumb and won't know how to stop their kids spending huge wads of cash on in-app purchases. We can make loads of money by using this to our advantage".
    That shouldn't be what in-app purchases are used for: even if it doesn't break any rules, it's not at all ethical.
    I know businesses exist to make money, but they shouldn't do it in an unethical and immoral way IMO.

    Agree. Doesn't matter if parents are at fault or not, like most of the post are establishing, exploitative behavior should not be tolerated.

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  • outsole and Jordan logo at

  • firestarter
    May 3, 04:22 PM
    Not all lives are "equal". One life of an important financial worker who perished at WTC might be worth more than 1000 soldiers. That's the order of society. A soldier's life is meant to be sacrificed to protect the worker. Some "warriors" are born to be this way, like army ants. The worker is more important because he makes guns to put into the hands of new soldiers. And of course, as you may have noticed, many of the front line (infantry) consists of would be rejects of society that have been conditioned and given a chance to serve a greater purpose than to become delinquents or menial workers that they would have been. "Unimportant Lives" in the big picture despite what their own families think of them. That's the unwritten rule.

    I disagree with the difference you're placing between financial workers and soldiers. For all the financial workers lost in the twin towers, others were keen to get in to the industry and take their places. Take Cantor Fitzgerald - almost wiped out by the attack (638 employees killed), it didn't take them long to rebound (,8599,1891774,00.html).

    I was on the phone to colleagues in 7 world trade on the day of the attack, and talked with them later about their experience (quite a few took the opportunity to 'reappraise their lives' and stepped away from the industry). They were replaced by others just as good, and our computer systems which were wiped out when the building fell were back on line in hours/days.

    People are very resilient and soon bounce back from things like terrorist attacks. Useless waste, pork barrel 'homeland security' projects, 'traffic light' security levels and ongoing war create a steady wearying depression on a country - and I think the negative effect of that has been out of all proportion of the attack.


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  • Jordan logo keychain gift usb

  • crazy4apple
    Mar 28, 08:33 AM
    Let the BloodBath of rumors Begin

    The event of the year has been annouced, May Google, Microsoft, HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola start your photocopiers lol :D

    Will miss Bertrand Serlet at the keynote for Mac OS :(

    :apple: for life

    jordan logo pictures. Mark-Jordan-Logo-new2.png
  • Mark-Jordan-Logo-new2.png

  • Repo
    Apr 30, 11:34 AM
    3GB download. It's times like this I wish I lived in Hong Kong.

    jordan logo pictures. Jordan logo on the blue
  • Jordan logo on the blue

  • francisq
    Mar 26, 04:18 PM
    SJ: I know It was you Schimdt!!! you broke my heart!! you broke my heart!!

    Nov 11, 09:19 AM
    It seems these ads are almost a carbon copy of US versions which are translated into Japanese.

    Except for the first one, which is a play on words with "Mac" and "work," which when pronounced in katakana Japanese rhymes with "Mac."

    In that US version ad, the Japanese chick says the PC guy looks like a "otaku." I think "Otaku" is roughly translated to homeboy (stay-at-home guy or geek).

    Not where I grew up.

    Mar 23, 04:58 PM
    Apple ftw!

    Oct 16, 07:09 PM
    Of course it's due soon....

    .... my Sony Ericsson P990i arrives Thursday so Apple are bound to come out with an iPhone now I've bought a new phone.

    Apr 12, 01:33 PM
    If you want to outlaw racism, you may as well outlaw stupidity, loutishness, poor manners, alcoholism, and ill tempers.


    Apr 5, 12:28 PM
    I don't know if I qualify as a "fan boy" or not... I love technology, Apple just happens to have been the leader for a long time. Anyway, I'm not a fan of CR's criteria regardless of what they recommend. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.I hear ya. People would definitely say Fanboy James is talking Apple again, but looking around my world, I see Sanyo, Sony, Vizio, MS XBox, Pioneer, Toshiba and other logos. I like tech. I have more Apple stuff, but Apple simply makes more stuff that I like in certain ways than others do.

    Those shouting Fanboy, take notice!


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