images of kim kardashian in bikini

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  • Kim Kardashian#39;s Bikini Season

  • pappu
    04-10 12:03 PM

    Please update your profile with details so that it can be helpful to everyone tracking the success

    on IV tracker

    IV members are requested to update their profile with valid dates so that we can make IV tracker helpful for everyone.

    I have personally decided to make this request to everyone who does not have their details completed and only then respond to the member. If a member has bogus data in their profile for tracking purposes I would not be replying to that post. This might help encourage members wanting replies from IV core team for their questions.

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian New Bikini Bodyimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian New Bikini Body
  • Kim Kardashian New Bikini Body

  • desi3933
    02-14 08:29 AM
    Hello all,

    Is there a law that grant green card for a person who's been in the States legally for more than 10 years?


    No, not that for 10 years.

    Howeve, the I-485 can be filed based on residency, if the applicant has been US resident since before Jan 1st, 1972.

    The applicant need to
    1. secure a signed SSA-795 from the individual indicating the beginning and ending dates of all periods of residence in the U.S. The statement does not have to include the complete street address. The town and/or State is sufficient.
    2. a statement which shows no absence of longer than 6 months is sufficient to determine continuous residence in the U.S. since before January 1, 1972.

    Not a legal advice.

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  • kim kardashian slim ikini 2

  • gc_lover
    06-24 11:26 AM
    __________________________________________________ ______

    Though the principal employment-based categories are current for July, future retrogression is possible later this fiscal year, particularly if demand for immigrant visas increases substantially. Visa numbers can retrogress in the middle of a month and become unavailable without prior notice. If there is a mid-month retrogression, USCIS could elect to stop accepting adjustment applications. While this is unlikely to occur in July 2007, it becomes more and more possible as the fiscal year progresses.

    __________________________________________________ ______

    I found this article on

    So, it looks like it can retrogess anytime. However, I don't think there is anything we can do to avoid retrogession. Do the best you can and file as fast as you can. No point worrying!

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. KIM-KARDASHIAN-BIKINI-images of kim kardashian in bikini. KIM-KARDASHIAN-BIKINI-

  • saileshdude
    10-07 11:46 PM

    I sent you a PM. Can you reply to that? Thanks a lot


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  • kim kardashian

  • jatinr
    09-27 06:50 AM
    Did some one call USCIS to get receipt numbers? Any pointers to calling USCIS...what do i give as reference numbers?


    FP and 485 will have same receipt number

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Continue Hotimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Continue Hot
  • Kim Kardashian Continue Hot

  • Blog Feeds
    04-26 11:30 AM
    AILA Leadership Has Just Posted the Following:

    All eyes are on Governor Jan Brewer today.

    On her desk is SB 1070, an anti-immigrant bill which would effectively make all Latinos the target of arrest or interrogation, whether or not they are U.S. citizens, lawful immigrants, or undocumented foreign nationals. Indeed, such a hate-motivated bill may well compel all Latinos to pack up and leave the state. Brewer's choice is clear to anyone who cherishes freedom and democracy�veto SB 1070, and toss it into the dust bin of history where it belongs, together with Jim Crow, the Nazi Nuremberg laws, and South African Apartheid.

    But, believe it or not, the Governor is actually considering signing this venomous bill into law. Last night, in yet another surreal Arizona moment Governor Brewer addressed the 41st annual Chicanos Por La Causa anniversary dinner amid calls in the audience for her to veto SB 1070 and surrounded by protesters that chanted and marched outside the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel where the dinner was held. At the dinner, organization board chairwoman Erica Gonzalez-Melendez urged Brewer to veto "the most hateful piece of legislation directed at Latinos" aptly pointing out that SB 1070 will do nothing to fix our broken immigration system and only "panders to the racist fear mongers of our state." But, Governor Brewer refused to say what she would do, invoking political-speak instead, "I am not prepared to announce a decision on Senate Bill 1070," she said. "What I decide will be based on what's right for Arizona." (Note to reader: there have been several surreal moments in Arizona this week. On Monday Senator John McCain, who once described himself as a "maverick" and champion of comprehensive immigration reform, told Fox News host Bill O'Reilly that "the drivers of cars with illegals in it ... are intentionally causing accidents on the freeway." Then on Tuesday an Arizona state House committee approved a measure which would force President Obama to show his birth certificate if he runs for re-election.

    What is right for Arizona is for Governor Brewer to jealously protect the rights of all its citizens and follow the U.S. Constitution, not turn Arizona into the Fourth Reich. Let's be frank, by passing SB 1070 lawmakers have sold out Arizona taxpayers in a cynical effort to garner votes and look tough. The bill does nothing to build a functional immigration system, secure the border nor rid the state of dangerous criminals. Nor does it protect the wages and working conditions of US workers. Instead, it targets day laborers and ordinary citizens whose appearance might raise "reasonable suspicion" of unlawful immigration status in the mind of a police officer. If Governor Brewer signs SB 1070, people in Arizona with foreign sounding accents or who don't "look American" had better not run into the wrong cop (or even the right cop) because the law mandates they prove they are here legally.

    SB 1070 is not the product thoughtful policy making; it is hate speech masquerading as legislation. This sounds extreme until you read SB 1070 which is a hodgepodge of mean spirited provisions that will effectively transform Arizona into a police state for anyone whose skin is a shade other than white. The bill's effect may very well be to make Arizona "Latino Free" and force those who stay behind�U.S. citizens included�to feel like hunted criminals. Frankly, there is no other way to describe SB 1070 which would make not having immigration documents a state crime, allow law enforcement officers to arrest anyone who could not immediately prove they were in the U.S. legally, and subject a brown-skinned person who leaves home without a wallet to arrest. Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles was hardly exaggerating when he compared SB 1070 to "German Nazi and Russian Communist techniques whereby people are required to turn one another in to the authorities on any suspicion of documentation."

    SB 1070's outright decimation of civil liberties and American values aside, Governor Brewer's signature on the bill will likely reek economic devastation on Arizona, costing its taxpayers billions in lost revenue. The Immigration Policy Center (IPC) reported this week that "if significant numbers of immigrants and Latinos are actually persuaded to leave the state because of this new law, they will take their tax dollars, businesses, and purchasing power with them. The University of Arizona's Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy estimates that the total economic output attributable to Arizona's immigrant workers was $44 billion in 2004, which sustained roughly 400,000 full-time jobs. Furthermore, over 35,000 businesses in Arizona are Latino-owned and had sales and receipts of $4.3 billion and employed 39,363 people in 2002, the last year for which data is available. The Perryman Group estimates that if all unauthorized immigrants were removed from Arizona, the state would lose $26.4 billion in economic activity, $11.7 billion in gross state product, and approximately 140,324 jobs, even accounting for adequate market adjustment time. Putting economic contributions of this magnitude at risk during a time of recession would not serve Arizona well." And this loss of revenue to the hard working taxpayers of Arizona does not take into account the cost of defending the inevitable lawsuits that will be brought against the state for civil rights and other violations. According to the IPC, "Arizona would probably face a costly slew of lawsuits on behalf of legal immigrants and native-born Latinos who feel they have been unjustly targeted" leading to millions of dollars in expenditures.

    As I wrote previously on this blog, SB 1070 is not the problem. It is an awful symptom of the failure of the Administration and Congress to enact immigration reform. In the void, local and state authorities have run roughshod over the civil liberties we cherish as a nation. What we see today is a perfect storm of crises�ICE's neglect and abuse of immigrant detainees which has culminated in 107 deaths in immigration detention since 2003, the serious civil rights abuses in the notorious 287(g) program which is administered by ICE and "deputizes" state and local law enforcement agencies to enforce immigration law, and an immigration bureaucracy that thumbs its nose at the needs of American business and families. As a nation we must demand that Congress and the Administration put politics aside and get to the hard work of building a safe, orderly, fair, and functional immigration policy designed to protect civil liberties and serve the needs of all Americans.

    As for today, Governor Brewer has a choice. She can succumb to hatred and fear by signing SB 1070 or allowing it to become law without her signature (it is hard to say which would be more cowardly). Or she can show uncommon political courage and veto the bill, thereby drawing a line in the Arizona desert over which racism, intolerance, and injustice dare not cross.

    More... (


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  • ksircar
    01-25 10:18 AM
    As far as I remember, it was discussed earlier in 2006 and we came to the conclusion that Govt. of India has no ineterest in this matter.

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Bikiniimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Bikini
  • Kim Kardashian Bikini

  • pamposh
    01-23 03:23 PM
    To present our case, we need facts. Like for example

    -Drop in admissions/applications/exams for US universities cites "constraints on visas and immigration" are among the reasons for the decline says "Rising U.S. tuitions, increased tension between much of the world and the United States and post-9/11-related immigration issues have all fed a decline in foreign student enrollment. So, too, has heightened competition from the rest of the developed world" also supports that on page 3

    -Number of people on H1-B buying homes

    -Evidence showing H1-Bs earn similar salaries/hourly rates, as rest of the industry
    It is hard to determine the impact of H-1B workers on comparable U.S. workers. The only comprehensive effort to date, conducted in 2000 by the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, concluded that the magnitude of any effect the H-1B program has on wages is difficult to estimate with confidence. The report noted that the effect, if any, may not be to depress wages and employment opportunities for U.S. workers but rather to keep wages from rising as rapidly as they would if the program did not exist. Another study in 2001 similarly concluded that if the H-1B program has any effect on comparable U.S. workers, the effect must be subtle because it does not appear immediately in the data.

    -Age Pattern of the Science and Engineering Labor Force Absent changes in degree production, retirement patterns, or immigration, the number of S&E-trained workers in the labor force will continue to grow for some time, but the growth rate may slow significantly as a dramatically greater proportion of the S&E labor force reaches traditional retirement age. As the growth rate slows, the average age of the S&E labor force will increase.
    And later "Taken together, these factors suggest a slower-growing and older S&E labor force. Both trends would be accentuated if either new degree production were to drop or immigration to slow, both concerns raised by a recent report of the Committee on Education and Human Resources Task Force on National Workforce "

    I am also trying to gather information about the points given below

    - Number of H1-Bs becoming US citizens (when given a chance)
    - A $$ amount of value addition of H1-Bs to the US economy
    - Number of children that are US citizens from H1-B families.

    Any help in pointing to any articles etc that you may have come across is good. Please keep in mind that these studies should have stats in them and should be recent material

    Great job Sandeep, thanks for all your research and hard work.



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  • uma001
    05-07 10:34 AM
    There was no agreement signed. It was just agreed on an email. Am i still bound with the emplyment laws. Just want to understand before taking any steps. Also the project has ended after 4 month but i don't have any document. Also company B can't reveal any internal documents.

    Oh, So the project ended after 4 months. Then you do not need to pay a dime to Company A. In that case, Company B might have already informed company A that project ended and no more billing. If company B has not informed company A, that is Company b's problem. SO you do not worry as long as you havent signed any contract.

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Posted in Bikini,Celebrityimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Posted in Bikini,Celebrity
  • Posted in Bikini,Celebrity

  • eagerr2i
    07-21 02:24 AM
    For degree evaulation , pls visit AERC web site at There are other agencies as well that do these evaluations.

    After that take CBEST, if you clear the exam, apply for admission to a credentail program. It will take about 50-60 credit hrs to complete the program. It will include about 4 months of teaching a 2 different schools which is called as directed teaching.Also you need to clear a battery of 3 exams called CSET which establishes subject matter competency in the subject credential you are working on. After that you apply to the Commission of Teacher Credentialing at the state capital and you get your certificate. Depending on haw fast you go, it could take any where between 2 years to 3.5 yrs to finish the program. Jobs are plenty in areas of Math, Physics for sure. Schools look for delivery style and communication skills a lot.

    Take a look at your time left on H1B , make sure that ur wife can complete the program within your 6 year of H1B else she would not be able to convert from H4 to H1 unless you get your GC or EAD. Pls email me if you have any additional questions.

    Salary is so-so about 50 K starting in CA, but good thing is that you work for only 9.5 months and your vacation and schedule could sync with that of kids and you could spend a good amount of time with kids unlike the other 8-5 jobs...!


    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Continues theimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Continues the
  • Kim Kardashian Continues the

  • bmeduru11
    11-09 01:50 PM
    Can you tell me ur category (EB2 or EB3) and RFE received date?

    EB2 with Nov'04 priority date

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  • Kim Kardashian Hollywood Sexy

  • sandy_anand
    10-04 01:32 PM
    Thanks for the link

    You're welcome, little_willy.


    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Hollywood Sexyimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Hollywood Sexy
  • Kim Kardashian Hollywood Sexy

  • chanduy9
    07-05 01:03 PM
    I am sure they would do that ...

    We are not going there personally...and we are not packing..we are using vendor company to do it. We are not sending bombs or any other stuff which is illegal and crime.
    Common guys think....
    just my idea.

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian, Her Bikiniimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian, Her Bikini
  • Kim Kardashian, Her Bikini

  • ApVish
    09-16 03:25 PM
    I would say don't put too much emphasis on these kind of stories, if the CIR bill is not going to be worked on then why did the senator schedule this meeting ? just for fun ?!

    I am not optimistic that something will come out real soon, but at the same time, I think something will definitely happen, at least the piece meal approach


    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Requires aimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Requires a
  • Kim Kardashian Requires a

  • kumar1
    04-16 02:03 PM
    1. Sell all my stuff.
    2. Transfer all my liquid money to home country.
    2. Rent a one way van in New York.
    3. Drive cross country with family and have fun. Meet all my friends on the way.
    4. Return the van in San Francisco, take one way ticket to India.
    5. Start a fresh life in India, free of immigration woes.
    6. May be use I-485 receipt in Air India toilet on the way home (might hurt a bit but that is OK).

    If after 10 years in this country, I-485 gets denied, I would not care for my H1-B status at all. I am speaking out of my heart, please do not give me red dots for that.[/QUOTE]

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. The Daily Vegas Bikini- Kimimages of kim kardashian in bikini. The Daily Vegas Bikini- Kim
  • The Daily Vegas Bikini- Kim

  • shahrooz
    02-15 10:28 PM
    260 views and not even one single opinion?


    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Celebratesimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian Celebrates
  • Kim Kardashian Celebrates

  • willgetgc2005
    04-24 11:47 PM
    dilbert_cal / others,

    I have a EB3 2002 PD . My 140 is approved and is 485 pending for 2 years. I have EAD as well. So my question is if I join a new employer using AC21 and have the new employer file an EB2 and then try to port PD, will it work. Assume my current employer will revoke 140. Will the PD portabilty still work ?



    If your previous company has closed down, there isnt any way you can port the PD.

    PD transfer can be done if you have an approved I-140. Since you didnt reach that stage and also since the company is no longer around ( which kills any possibility of filing 140 with them ) , you wouldnt be able to port your PD.

    Also for PD transfer through approved I140, your job responsibilities, your location of work etc do not play any role.

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian in a Bikiniimages of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian in a Bikini
  • Kim Kardashian in a Bikini

  • GCBoy786
    08-17 12:50 AM
    We got "Approval Notice Sent" emails 6 days back. I received my EAD 3 days back but haven't received my wife's yet.

    Has anyone filed for Replacement EAD? Do we need to wait 30 days from the date we received the approval email? How long does it take usually to receive a Replacement card?

    Please share your experiences.

    images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian/1117images of kim kardashian in bikini. Kim Kardashian/1117
  • Kim Kardashian/1117

  • gandalf1234
    02-10 04:27 PM
    Thanks a lot guys .... Now I am waiting for actual card and welcome notice . I hope to get it in 10 days .

    Good luck to you all .

    its being long journey for me and got totally frustrated after getting rfe on 140 but i guess god is kind to me .


    02-21 05:06 PM
    Sorry for the confusion.

    11-26 01:57 AM

    My employer "ABC" (Consultancy) based in Ohio made me sign a Cognovit Promissory Note for 'X' amount ( where 'X' is a pretty large amount) on my arrival to US on H1-B visa earlier this year. I've been associated with him for less than an year now.

    Does this note have any significance according to US law, esp. Ohio?
    If I plan to move from this consultancy, can this note be held as a Legal Document and any legal action taken against me based on this note?

    What is my way out of this?

    I would be highly obliged if anyone can provide any help on this matter.


    the law depends on state. Its worth paying the lawyer few hundred bucks to findout what laws pertain to Ohio specifically.

    Generally bonds are not legally enforceable, but lawyers may know better and explain you the fine print.


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