de amor y de sombra

de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. o De amor
  • de amor y de sombra. o De amor

  • typecase
    Feb 16, 10:28 PM
    I apologize if this has been covered before but as a new switcher to the Mac I was wondering if simply dragging a folder from Applications and deleting the preferences are enough for a complete uninstall. From years of working with Windows I've come to expect that programs cannot completely be removed even with uninstallers unless a manual search and destroy is initiated or a cleaner is used. Either the program would leave .dll files in the /system directory or there would be long-lived entries in the windows registry. Do any of these situations exist on the mac or have my years as a Windows user corrupted my thinking? Is there something akin to the registry on OS X?

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra.
  • de amor y de sombra.

  • britboy
    Jan 8, 09:51 AM
    It's nice to see that the banner from the Apple website is being replicated at the MW venue (assuming it isn't a fake), but it shouldn't been seen as an indication that 2007 is going to bring amazing products. Remember that apple has a track record of over-hyping itself.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra.
  • de amor y de sombra.

  • rdowns
    Apr 25, 01:29 PM
    Wait until they start digging around in his past.

    The Donald�s free ride is over. As the 2012 race begins, time for more reality, less reality TV. In this week�s Newsweek, Howard Kurtz says Trump may regret a decision to declare for the White House.

    As Donald Trump tries to leverage his brand with a reality-show campaign for president, surging to the top of the 2012 GOP polls, the past is coming back to bite him. The media establishment has been treating him more as colorful sideshow than serious candidate. But now that it seems The Donald might actually run, it�s time to take a closer look at the darker corners of his empire.

    Take John Robbins. When the retired Army officer heard Trump, in a music-filled tent, talk of putting up the tallest building in Tampa, Florida, he wanted in��because of the Trump name.� But Robbins lost half his $150,000 down payment when the condo project went bankrupt and was �floored� to learn that Trump had merely licensed his gold-plated moniker: �I just don�t see Trump fitting the role of commander in chief. Somebody has to stand up to Mr. Trump.�

    Hamed Hoshyarsar invested $54,000 in a condo at the Trump Ocean Resort Baja for one reason: He was a fan of The Apprentice. He lost every dime when the project was never built. �I want to throw up every time I see him,� says the Los Angeles accountant. �I see all these people talking about him being president, and I would never vote for that guy.� Trump, who exudes a blustery charm, doesn�t miss a beat. �What about the 50 deals that worked out great�are you going to cover that, too?� he asks me. Let the record show he has built some fabulous properties�but has also filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, most recently with his casino unit. �I do play with the bankruptcy laws�they�re very good for me� as a way of cutting debt, Trump says.

    He says he�s not responsible in lawsuits over the two failed condo projects because his partners were the actual builders�and, his attorney says, such confidential licensing agreements are standard. Besides, says Trump, the buyers are �lucky� because they would have lost more money in a tanking market had the projects been built.

    Another venture, Trump University, had to change its name after New York authorities ruled it wasn�t properly licensed; the school is also under scrutiny in Texas, where officials are examining possibly deceptive practices. Tarla Makaeff spent $35,000 to �Learn from the Master,� as a brochure put it, but the marketer says she didn�t get much beyond two �mentors� who were barely available after showing her some properties needing rehab. �I�m just disgusted by their greed,� says Makaeff, who is suing the school.

    But Trump, who is countersuing, has a tape of Makaeff calling two staffers �awesome.� �This is really ******** stuff,� he says, citing customer surveys that rate the school highly.

    Trump sells himself as a head-banging businessman who can shake up a dysfunctional Beltway culture. But as pundits belatedly put him under the microscope, they�ll find him all over the political map. While Mitt Romney is typecast as a flip-flopper, Trump declared in 2000 that �we must have universal health care�; now he says President Obama's health-care law is unconstitutional. He once pronounced himself �strongly pro-choice� but recently discovered that, guess what, he�s pro-life. Obama was �amazing� and �phenomenal,� Trump wrote in 2009; now, not so much. And while Newt Gingrich is branded an adulterer, Trump conducted a tabloid-frenzy affair with Marla Maples, the second of his three wives.

    For now, the press has pushed back hardest on Trump�s strange decision to peddle the birther nonsense. But he knows his customers: Polls show roughly half of Republicans don�t believe Obama is a citizen.

    Trump is suddenly inescapable, all over the networks, which love Trump because he�s good for ratings and the field is dull. Remember Sarah Palin? Her spokeswoman chided news outlets on Twitter for largely ignoring her last speech.

    Trump may be giving his rivals cover by dominating the stage, but if reporters keep turning over rocks, the master showman might be glad he hung on to his day job.

    Link (

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra.
  • de amor y de sombra.

  • NewGenAdam
    Apr 12, 03:42 PM
    You bring a fresh perspective to these boards. Actually discussing an issue rather than getting worked up in a tizzy and shouting platitudes. ;)

    well that's too kind! I like it here because people seem pretty well informed. Maybe Jobs' pretentious claim that Apple is "the intersection of the Liberal Arts and Technology" (,8599,1976935-4,00.html#ixzz1JLMouV91) isn't too far off the mark.


    de amor y de sombra. Ghost, la sombra del amor.
  • Ghost, la sombra del amor.

  • Sydde
    Apr 12, 01:02 PM

    That is a majority?

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y

  • LethalWolfe
    Sep 17, 02:57 AM
    Ask her if you can mount your drive on her desktop.



    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra; de amor y de sombra. Quark. Oct 11, 01:06 PM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra; de amor y de sombra. Quark. Oct 11, 01:06 PM

  • thibaulthalpern
    Apr 5, 05:11 PM
    Headset jack was removed, so had to buy a USB headset for example.

    Headset jack was removed from the Mac? Since when? New Mac laptops have combined headset/microphone jack.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra.
  • de amor y de sombra.

  • jellybean
    Aug 14, 10:26 AM
    From the interview:

    "I had a guy come up to me, in my face, saying, 'You think you're so cool? You're not cool' and I'm saying to him, 'Dude, it's a commercial.'"

    Anyone else from england think of Michael Winner when they read this bit? :D


    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. kpbpsw. Nov 4, 06:18 PM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. kpbpsw. Nov 4, 06:18 PM

  • MacCurry
    Sep 26, 04:28 PM

    Tounge-in-cheek comment, but I am somewhat miffed at Apple because of this.

    de amor y de sombra. DE AMOR, ENVENENARLO HASTA

  • uv23
    Aug 14, 10:12 AM
    Oh yea, that evidence is so convincing...sugar for flies, wow. It definitely still applies to humans and this situation as all metaphorical cliches are so undeniably true
    Of course it applies. Your assinine response has me thinking you're a jerk. Had you responded in a positive manner, even if disagreeing, my opinion of you would be entirely different. How's that for a simple real life example? Positivity is always preferable to negativity.


    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. Mr. McMac. Nov 23, 03:02 PM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. Mr. McMac. Nov 23, 03:02 PM

  • edesignuk
    Sep 7, 05:55 AM
    Same kind of thing, but for the London Tube ( Great stuff :D
    8. I binned all the porn on VHS... there's no point in it anymore.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. kasei. Sep 22, 07:34 PM. Who? Wal what?
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. kasei. Sep 22, 07:34 PM. Who? Wal what?

  • 63dot
    Mar 13, 10:28 AM
    Where the Fit excels is its interior volume. It is seriously like the Tardis in its ability to betray its small appearance on the outside with its actual capacity inside. For example, I have filled it with a family of four's luggage and knick-knacks for a week-long trip, with room to spare.

    Mileage is as advertised, mostly high-20's squirting around town, nearer to high-30's with the cruise set for hours at highway speeds. I don't have the knowledge to compare it to the Prius, but I will say that the Fit's interior fit-and-finish, while well-detailed and more than adequate, is "cheaper" than the Prius, and maybe even my old Civic's.

    While it won't win many drag races, it is a fun runabout, as it's probably the shortest wheelbase car I've ever owned. Meaning, it "hops" over bumps and sneezes will put you in the adjacent lane. I haven't driven a Mini Cooper, but I suspect the sensations are similar.

    I'd buy one again in a heartbeat.

    Wow. Thanks for the info. My '80s Volvo used to get over 20 on highway but less than that these days. Older cars tend to have less performance and less gas mileage over the years.

    I was worried about the Fit being too small inside, but then with cars like the Mini Cooper S model, you can get a roomy car if designed correctly. I saw a big, tall, fat guy step out of an S and he told me that the S model was made people his size. I am no skinny person, but certainly not the size of that guy. I was amazed and the S model has intrigued me ever since.


    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. whatever. Aug 29, 08:57 AM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. whatever. Aug 29, 08:57 AM

  • mikelegacy
    Jan 4, 04:14 PM
    I haven't used the TomTom one, but this one works beautifully. I just used it going home from work to test it really works seamlessly. I tried searching around from some local businesses that aren't too well known, and it found them all. Amazing. My friends TomTom standalone device wouldn't have found half of these places without $100 yearly software/maps upgrade....awesome.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. And1ss. Apr 12, 12:25 PM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. And1ss. Apr 12, 12:25 PM

  • hayesk
    Mar 28, 09:41 AM
    Anyone else thinks that Apple is readying the merger between iOS and MacOSX, at last?

    I mean, why would the OSX get sliders instead of buttons (-> finder, etc)? And how would otherwise be the file-sharing in a cloud-centric iOS possible?

    Looking quite forward to it!

    What remains to clear how they would deal with the custom Apple ARM vs Intel chipsets programming issue (just as ppc and intel?), programming of apps (.app vs .ipa) ...

    Oh, a lot more remains to be clear than that. Like the fact that MacOS X and iOS have completely different UI layers, Window managers, input methods, memory systems, etc.

    People often think a few UI elements are all that make up the OS, but there is so much more happening under the hood, and in the way the user interacts with the machine, that it's pretty clear that a merge between desktop and touch-based OSes are a loooong way off, if ever.


    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra.
  • de amor y de sombra.

  • buckers
    Apr 26, 07:16 AM
    I don't want a boring DVD. I want Lion to come on one of those cool MacBook Air-style memory sticks, only compatible with ThunderBolt.

    I too think a USB installation stick would be cool, but easy to lose, I'd imagine! On the flip-side, you can scratch DVDs.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. Rustus Maximus. Apr 13, 07:47 PM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y; de amor y de sombra. de amor y. Rustus Maximus. Apr 13, 07:47 PM

  • BruiserB
    May 2, 04:03 PM
    Has anyone torn-down a recent black iP4? Maybe Apple just changed the camera part on both?


    de amor y de sombra. la sombra de amor
  • la sombra de amor

  • dampfnudel
    Apr 21, 02:21 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That sounds good enough to me and the millions who will buy it.

    There isn't a single added feature listed there to make it worth the extra ~$100 to get a new iPhone instead of the identical iPhone 4 at discount.

    I currently have a 64GB Touch and I want a 64GB iPhone. I know I'm not the only one who wants/needs one. With the A5 and maybe 1GB of RAM, I know my iPhone won't turn into an iPhone 3G anytime soon. Some people will appreciate 1080p recording and a better camera. That's not to say an iPhone 4 on discount won't make a tempting option to some, but come Sept. there's gonna be a new sheriff in town and the iPhone 4 will just be a deputy taking care of the slack.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. en #39;; de amor y de sombra. en #39;De. IJ Reilly. Aug 29, 03:18 PM
  • de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra. en #39;; de amor y de sombra. en #39;De. IJ Reilly. Aug 29, 03:18 PM

  • bogg
    Jul 4, 11:25 AM
    I really don't get why people who come up with specs don't think ahead. When SD came out it has a 2GB limit. So they updated it, SDHC for a 32GB limit. Now they had to update it again, SDXC for a 2TB limit. They should have just designed the format to scale in the FIRST place.

    For example: CompactFlash came out in like 1994 and has scaled all the way up to like 137GB, when the first cards were under 1MB.

    Yeah, they scaled just fine when it came to sizes. But instead they are at like the 6:th revision when it comes to speed capabilities.

    de amor y de sombra. de amor y de sombra.
  • de amor y de sombra.

  • Mebsat
    Apr 12, 02:27 PM
    Office for Mac or Office for Windows? Easy decision.

    I haven't opened VMWare Fusion for months, since I installed Office for Mac.


    After dealing with the bugs in Excel 2011 for Mac, I have been running the PC version of Excel 2010 in Fusion ever runs far faster on the VM than Excel for the Mac runs. There is no comparison.

    I'll see if the update helps but I'm not expecting much.

    Plus a lot of add-ins aren't available, but you can get Solver for Mac now.

    To each his own, I just use the PC version because I can build large worksheets much faster in it. (using Fusion 3, Win7Pro, Excel 2010)

    Small White Car
    Nov 6, 05:50 AM
    That is like shouting out who, what you are all the time 24/7.

    Oh really?

    The sample I see here shows a way to make a phone's games or videos interact with toys.

    Another example I've read (subway farecard) would tell people that I'm subway rider 25879346 or something. I've also read about using it as a credit card, which would require a PIN number to use. Anyone can currently snap a photo of you handing a card to a cashier, so it's no different from that.

    None of these are shouting out anything about who I am. If you're critisizing something else, you'll have to actually tell me what you're talking about since it hasn't been mentioned here yet.

    Apr 14, 08:50 PM
    Wow, that bar-b-q at Bill's place panned out. Didn't expect a talk over a few beers and ribs over how to manage over 100 million users in a data center would come to something. At least no blood sucking head hunter got a commission on this one and he got a better signing bonus. Welcome to the club!

    No but there where lawyers for sure. :cool:

    Thomas Veil
    Apr 11, 05:13 AM
    Look, this is the second time you've told me, incorrectly, what you think I believe.

    "Informed people" is self-explanatory. I don't intend to spoon-feed you a response just so you can intentionally misrepresent it a third time.

    Sep 1, 06:02 AM
    Apple did the same thing with the DTK hardware... they released a "Software Update" version, with a letter revision to the same build #'s, and it was to enforce security and/or entrap those running the 10.4 Intel build on non-Apple P4 hardware. Get it? Apple Software Update connects to Apple servers, so they know exactly to whom/what/where their "update" is being sent and installed.... then they cross-reference those IP's against logs of ADC member logins (and this is only necessary when assuming the user submitted false info during the Leopard registration, instead of their real name/address). IP match? Boom! Gotcha.

    Maybe they just want to see how many of those IP's belong to Microsoft's net. :rolleyes:

    May 3, 07:39 PM
    I just joined anonymously, but I used the MacRumors team number.


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