darcy lapier

darcy lapier. then wife Darcy LaPier.
  • then wife Darcy LaPier.

  • NamJangNamJa
    Nov 14, 12:15 PM
    What is a Zune? :D :eek:

    I don't know, either. :D :eek:

    darcy lapier. Darcy LaPier Cosmetic
  • Darcy LaPier Cosmetic

  • Surely
    May 3, 01:33 PM

    darcy lapier. biography darcy lapier
  • biography darcy lapier

  • MacGeek7
    Mar 24, 02:41 PM
    That almost makes me feel bad for selling a 16GB Wi-Fi only for $375 last week. oh well...I'm over it.

    darcy lapier. Darcy Lapier , DR Kinsey
  • Darcy Lapier , DR Kinsey

  • SFStateStudent
    Apr 14, 08:32 PM
    Maybe he wanted to give up his Mercedes Benz for a "TESLA" or a "ZipCar"...:D


    darcy lapier. darcy lapier. lapier brian
  • darcy lapier. lapier brian

  • mikeapple
    Apr 19, 09:55 AM
    Looks like multifl0w from cydia.... actually I think it is... Springboard was in the settings in the video

    darcy lapier. machen: Darcy LaPier …
  • machen: Darcy LaPier …

  • Oppressed
    Apr 25, 06:50 AM
    I lol'ed at this:p

    Is this not a dream thread!

    Fine 410m.

    @ Retina display. I seriously doubt IGP 3000 is capable of even running OS X at this resolution let alone anything 3D based like a game.


    darcy lapier. Ehe mit Darcy LaPier.
  • Ehe mit Darcy LaPier.

  • Icaras
    Mar 17, 03:38 PM
    I'm a huge Nintendo fan but I'll be skipping out on the launch of the 3DS.

    As mentioned on this thread, I do agree the launch titles suck.

    Next gen pricing also sucks. I'm not going to dish out $250 for a handheld system, sorry. Same thing with software pricing.

    I'm sure the 3D effect is awesome, but for some games, like SFIV and Rayman, I'd rather have these on my iPhone for the price of 0.99 to 4.99, despite weaker graphics and lack of 3D. An increase of 800 to 4000% pricing is just ridiculous to me. Plus, i'd rather have games digitally than worry about carrying, storing, (and possibly losing) game cards.

    darcy lapier. darcy lapier. lundgren darcy
  • darcy lapier. lundgren darcy

  • gkarris
    Mar 28, 12:46 PM
    Why did you buy a 3DS if you're not going to use the 3D?

    At least the option is there - you can turn it on "a little"... ;)

    It is cool - hoping for a Black Friday Special - like a free game with it... :D


    darcy lapier. darcy lapier. lundgren darcy
  • darcy lapier. lundgren darcy

  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 07:13 PM
    work group manager and x-grid manager

    darcy lapier. Do You Take This Woman?
  • Do You Take This Woman?

  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 21, 12:51 PM
    I suspect the next iPhone, released in June, July, or September will be largely unchanged from the 4. An A5, sure. Maybe higher storage capacities. A "world" model, from what the Verizon exec said. Black or white. That's about it.


    darcy lapier. darcy lapier.
  • darcy lapier.

  • GarfieldH
    Feb 18, 11:00 PM
    Where is Bill Gates?!

    darcy lapier. Gavin Hood, Darcy LaPier,
  • Gavin Hood, Darcy LaPier,

  • chrfr
    Mar 29, 09:14 AM
    EF-S 200mm on a 1.6 crop camera will yield the same image as an EF 200mm on a FF camera.
    No it will not! Focal length is not the same thing as the same as field of view.


    darcy lapier. Darcy LaPier
  • Darcy LaPier

  • Ugg
    Apr 12, 05:57 PM
    If people are less likely to use a cashier who is an ethnic minority (which I dispute, but anyway), would that make them less productive and less valuable for their employer?

    So, if it is thought that an ethnic minority would actually do a job worse, because of other people's discrimination, then ethnicity technically would make a difference to their ability to do a job.

    Would this be grounds for not employing them?

    I just don't see that in real life and I think it would be almost impossible to prove in a court of law.

    My belief is that we need to move beyond skin color and towards a system where the economically repressed are given a better chance to move up the ladder of success.

    darcy lapier. Darcy LaPier
  • Darcy LaPier

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 15, 06:37 PM
    I've noticed that team Macrumors.com is losing active users since I have restarted folding@home, plus their is hardly any one joining the team :(

    So this is a shut out, any one who is folding@home and any one who had once folded, post a message in this thread lets show the forums just how strong our team used to be.

    Any one who once folded, come back and help the cause and the team once again. We don't need to fold 24 7 we just need you in your computers idle time to fold.

    Any one who has not folded at all, folding@home is project of Stanford University to turn the worlds computers into a large super computer to fold proteins. Protein folding is linked to disease, such as Alzheimer's, ALS, Huntington's, Parkinson's disease, and many Cancers. This is an opportunity to do charity and have competive fun in the form of a points system.


    We need to get more involement! I was thinking a pass it on, where we send out a private message about team folding and then they need to forward it on to 3 other members on the forum.


    darcy lapier. Darcy Rose Byrnes. e Darcy
  • Darcy Rose Byrnes. e Darcy

  • aegisdesign
    Apr 6, 11:37 AM
    Wireless syncing is a lot easier and a lot less hassle. Charging the battery with an electrical outlet is the only time you need to plug your iPhone in anything, IMHO. I find syncing my iPhone to my computer to be a chore and I rarely do so because of this.

    Thank you Cinch. I was wondering when someone would point out the pointlessness of cables.

    I've just hit 'Sync Now' in iSync (remember that) in my menu bar and it's wirelessly updated the two Nokias on my desk with fresh contacts, calendar and todos.

    Nokia Media Transfer also wirelessly syncs my photos and music too.

    Come on Apple, even Nokia do wireless syncing.

    darcy lapier. lundgren darcy lapier
  • lundgren darcy lapier

  • madhatter61
    Apr 5, 09:54 PM
    It will be interesting to see if Apple develops its own controller chip for ARM processors. Currently the Intel controller is designed for Intel processors that incorporate PCI express architecture. ARM architecture is quite different. Thunderbolt is currently designed for the standard Mac line of products using Intel Processors. All the mobile products are Arm based processors.

    The idea of having a common connector like minidisplay port is quite awesome, and the utilization is all in the software control approach. Dual channel, full bidirectional, with the possibility of multiple protocols running simultaneously with very high data rates. Apple is just covering their future bases, and doing it very nicely.

    I saw posts asking about backward compatibility possibilities. The answer is a definite no. But the future arrangements will be most interesting.

    One post wanted everything to go thru a standard phone jack. Not at all likely or even possible.


    darcy lapier. (Darcy LaPier photo, p)
  • (Darcy LaPier photo, p)

  • rshullic
    Jul 14, 01:40 PM
    Sort of.

    Lets separate reading and writing exFAT. If I can read it, I can pull stuff off of it. So OS X will require the ability to read exFAT in order to make it compatible with non apple devices that will be using this format. HOWEVER, it is not required that Apple choose to read exFAT. You could format with HFS+. Then any device that can read HFS+ could read and write to it.

    If I can write to exFAT, then I can place data (even 4GB+ media files) on the card. Apple may create a driver that allows you to read exFAT but not write to it.

    This matters if you are going to use the card to store media files (4 GB+), or are planning on using the card with non Apple devices. I could get a 128 GB SDXC card, format 100 GB in FAT32 for a user directory, and format 3 8GB swap spaces (one for OS X, one for Windows, and one for Unix). Then I'd have my user files and swap space with me wherever I go, and it would be cross platform compatible (everyone reads and writes FAT32). Yes, FAT32 does have a maximum partition size, this is why I used a 128 GB SDXC card as the example. And yes, I wouldn't have my media files (movies) on the card (I'd need one of the 2 TB cards to do this).

    Since Pretec is selling an ExpressCard SDXC reader, this is what I plan to do with my triple boot MBP (see sig). I'll point my OS X user directory to the directory that will be on this card, I'll do the same for Win7, and BackTrack. Each OS will also have swap space on the card. This increases security too. If I have my SDXC card with me, someone using the laptop can't see my files at all. It also increases speed (maybe and a little) because I'm using a different storage device and bus to put my user files/swap space on.

    Let's take a closer look at what we have here.
    For references we have: http://www.sans.org/reading_room/whitepapers/forensics/reverse-engineering-microsoft-exfat-file-system_33274 and the blog rshullic.wordpress.com

    First, the SDXC card is set to be exclusively exFAT. You may be able to format the card as FAT32, or HFS or NTFS as FAT32 can be formatted to 2TB although you can't use Microsoft utilities to do so. Microsoft will read a 2TB FAT32 file system and write to it, they just won't let you create anything over 32GB. If you want to use the SDXC card exclusively with the Mac, then you could format the card with almost any file system. I have formated a 256MB (yes MB, it is SD Version 1.00) SD card as exFAT. But put that card with exFAT into a camera, like the Panasonic Lumix which has SDXC support, and it says that the card is not formatted properly and won't let you use the card until you reformat it. A SD card is speced for FAT, a SDHC card is speced for FAT32 and a SDXC card is speced for exFAT, and some camera manufacturers enforce the proper file system. So, if you intend to use the sdxc in a camera or a phone or other consumer device, formatting it as anything other than exFAT may not be an option.

    And Apple might need to license exFAT just to read it even if not to write. (might need, I don't really know as there are now forensics tols that read exfat but I don't think those guys are licensing it, maybe read only is ok and doesn't violate licensing agreements?)

    The SDXC card actually begins at 48GB, which is the equivalent of a dual layer Blu-Ray disc. I have seen 48GB and 64GB so far, and the 64GB (at a low i/o speed) can be gotten at amazon for about $200. But the card are running in the $350-$600 range with speeds claimed to be 30MBs (that is mega-bytes per second) so it will be a while for the prices to come down and the speeds to increase near the SD 3.0 level of 104 MBs, let alone the SD 4.00 spec of 300 MBs.

    darcy lapier. Darcy LaPier photo gallery,
  • Darcy LaPier photo gallery,

  • retroactiv
    Mar 23, 01:29 PM
    Why anyone would be surprised by this move is beyond me. It makes sense for all parties involved.

    Apple makes $4 on each product sold, and manufacturers are able to add a feature that most people have the ability to actually use and will want.

    It's a win-win.

    darcy lapier. Browse darcy lapier Videos
  • Browse darcy lapier Videos

  • str1f3
    Dec 28, 05:53 PM
    Nor does it stop people from letting their fingers fly on the keyboard before they know all the facts. :rolleyes:

    LOL, yeah facts�Like you saying The Consumerist was lying for web hits even though AT&T brought out the girl to recant her statement. Or you coming up figures that say 1.2% of all NYers are subject to credit theft and assuming half were so thieves could buy iPhones. Or summizing that this was the real problem only for AT&T to change their policy a day later. LOL, yeah facts�

    Apr 16, 04:02 PM
    x2 of what you said.... you verbalized what I was trying to say a lot better than I. :o

    Thanks! :)

    I wish they included this but I guess it was more detailed then they were willing to broadcast.

    After NewsToons was turned down in mid-December, Mr. Fiore did not try to submit it again, “mainly because it seemed like it would be so daunting.”

    “It’s not like I had a phone number for someone at Apple,” he said, adding, “interestingly enough, I do now.”

    Just goes to show how two-faced they are.. :(

    Look, believe it or not I'm a big fan of Apple for the most part but the UGLY way they've handled the APP store was/is just too much for me to not speak my mind about it. Oh and before people start screaming... WELL YOU HAVE A CHOICE... Yea I'm well aware of my rights and freedoms and one of them is to LIKE Apple and their products and STILL speak the truth about their militant behavior they exhibit over the APP store.

    Dec 29, 11:41 PM
    I worked for what was then called Cingular and was in the New York section, and I can honestly tell you New Yorkers are a breed of their own. We got calls constantly about dropped signals, but when probed it was because they were in a subway. Towers are abundant in the NYC area so it is amazing they have discontinued them.

    New Yorkers probably and appreciate the iPhone more than anyone else who has them.

    Apr 27, 08:28 AM
    "yes he can" lie.

    Obama is a joke. False hope and the naive people didn't think so.

    Trump's hair is seriously the mojo. Love it.

    Obama's a joke? He just released the long form, making his number one critic on this issue go from "Trump" to "Chump" in the blink of an eye.

    Trump is a moron. And a liar. CNN couldn't even find these "investigators" Trump sent to Hawaii. Because they don't exist and never did.

    Jun 30, 10:28 PM
    If T-mobile gets the iPhone maybe they will have better data plans than AT&T

    All this "next iPhone carrier" stuff is up there with Elvis sightings now. Unless I see a verified quote from execs, it is just one more guy in a rhinestone jumpsuit in the frozen food aisle at WalMart.

    Sep 26, 01:53 AM
    The only thing that I'm skeptical about this whole thing is that the actual cease and desist letter has not been published. All we have are a few people claiming that Apple has slapped them with a letter and the "poor us" act. Once I see the letter I'll be more apt to believe these claims, until then I think that they are just trying to drum up hits on their sites...



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