Wall Street Wallpaper

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  • yg17
    Apr 27, 08:57 AM
    Funny I had to prove my education credentials and proof of citizenship for 3 companies that extend offers.
    Is it really out of line for the president to furnish such information?

    Did I cross the the line of being a racist?

    Obama released his short form BC (the same BC any Hawaiian gets when they request a copy of their BC, and it's good enough to prove citizenship and get a passport) back before the election, and the birthers weren't happy. He proved his citizenship a long time ago.

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  • daneoni
    Aug 25, 07:15 PM
    well im certainly annoyed with Apple's support right now. 3 times my Macbook has been in and now they tell me they cant FIX the problem (the only way I can get my macbook to boot up is to zap the PRAM every time). If I had known it was gonna be this much trouble I would have stuck with my pb or bought a Vaio... :mad:

    You should demand a replacement or refund

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  • Hugh
    Mar 22, 09:33 PM
    The U.N. Security Council perhaps, but not the entire assembly. It would have been interesting to open that issue up to debate and seen how all the members would have voted.

    What I always wonder is what diplomatic efforts were used to pressure Qaddafi? There were no (as far as I know) threats of economic embargoes, freezing of assets, or other less violent methods to coerce Qaddafi. We didn't need to convince him to step dow. We simply needed to convince him that he needed to tone down, defend himself against the armed insurrection, but not cast a wider and violent campaign against innocent civilians.

    I need a clearer demonstration that serious steps were taken before resorting to war. War should be used as the last resort and only when it's clear that all other options have failed.

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  • 63dot
    Apr 25, 02:16 PM
    Law is not justice, and one of the few absolutes in this shaky profession is that if a company is big and doing well, then they are a target, both to plaintiffs and to the lawyers who cash in over these attacks on Apple.

    Apple will probably have to pay out some sort of millions over this, and for Apple, it's the price of doing business. Hey Apple, welcome to the territory that once belonged to the Microsofts and Dells of this industry. When suits this big and frivolous come out, it shows Apple has reached a prime level of success. My old contracts professor called this the deep pocket theory and the frivolous lawsuit we tackled that night was one just as ridiculous but against Dell, who was on the rise for #1 at the time and it went all the way to the Supreme Court and took years and many tens of millions of dollars to iron out. Expect this suit to be ugly.

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  • thevofl
    Aug 7, 05:32 PM
    1) When I did a system restore at work, it restored everything back on the date. I lost all my work since the date.

    2) Something tells me that the Super Duper top secret stuff has more to do with multimedia integration: a skype-type feature for calling a phone number using iChat, expansion of bonjour, a multimedia hub similar to tivo.

    3) For those at the conference, what was under the black sheet covered banners?

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Feb 28, 12:52 PM
    What is a "gay lifestyle" exactly? We get up, take a shower, brush our teeth, go to work and come home to our families just like anyone else.
    A same-sex attracted person is living a "gay lifestyle" when he or she dates people of the same sex, "marries" people of the same sex, has same-sex sex, or does any combination of these things. I think that if same-sex attracted people are going to live together, they need to do that as though they were siblings, not as sex partners. In my opinion, they should have purely platonic, nonsexual relationships with one another.

    Heterosexual couples need to reserve sex for opposite-sex monogamous marriage. If I had a girlfriend, I might kiss her. But I wouldn't do that to deliberately arouse either of us. If either of us felt tempted to have sex with each other, the kissing would stop right away. I know of a woman who gave an excellent answer when men asked her why saved sex for marriage. She said, "I"m worth waiting for." She lived by her Catholic convictions, and she wouldn't risk letting any man use her as a mere object, as a mere tool.

    Some may say, "I have sex with my girlfriend to show her that I love her." If I had a girlfriend, I would hope I would love her enough to protect her from the physical and psychological risks that come with non-marital sex. The best way for me to do that is for my hypothetical girlfriend and me to be celibate before marriage.

    Sacramentally same-sex "marriage" isn't marriage. Neither is merely civil marriage of any sort. If I understand what the Catholic Church's teachings about marriage merely civil, it teaches non-sacramental marriage, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, is legal fornication.

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  • ender land
    Apr 27, 10:05 AM
    I would have waited till after I was out of office.

    But meh, this whole thing was so outrageously stupid and the total amount of press time and money spent on something relatively obvious (how the @#%$ would someone actually be allowed in the White House by the gov if they were not a citizen?) is just saddening.

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  • skunk
    Aug 6, 01:45 PM
    Um, http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=odbjam.2.2Apple is described as an "Applicant".

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  • barkomatic
    Mar 31, 03:38 PM
    Keep in mind that Google tightening up Android and forcing handset makers to adhere to certain guidelines is primarily a problem for the *handset makers* and carriers--but not consumers.

    I couldn't care less what problems Verizon and Motorola have if the end result is a beautiful and functional device. If not, I'll buy something else.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Dec 9, 12:03 PM
    This is hilarious:

    GT5 physics are completely realistic (http://i.autoblog.com/2010/12/09/video-gt5-physics-are-completely-realistic/)

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  • NoSmokingBandit
    Nov 24, 11:23 AM
    I'm installing right now. I'd like to just jump in, but i'd rather get it all out of the way to begin with.

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  • yoak
    Apr 10, 02:04 PM
    It will be very interesting to see what it will be like. I just hope that it will be able to take advantage of all the power of my old MP. I feel pretty confident it will.
    It�s interesting that the software takes 3 years to catch up with the hardware. It just crossed my mind that they might have tried all a long to release the new FCS and Thunderbolt at the same time.
    Otherwise there really would be no reason to upgrade your hardware as it suddenly will be handle your software faster than when you bought it

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  • DakotaGuy
    Apr 27, 02:04 PM
    Are you serious? I'm not even a huge fan of Obama, but seriously the man was born in Hawaii. Do you honestly think that if he wasn't the FBI or NSA would have not thrown up a flag way before he ever decided to run???

    It is time for this silly issue to be done with. If you don't like his policies then fine... argue against those, but attempting to try and keep this birth certificate issue going on and on even after it has been released is not going to get you anywhere.

    It was released... what else do you want?

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  • rickjs
    Apr 6, 03:06 PM
    The Xoom is a great tablet. I'm willing to bet that the majority of you who have discredited it haven't even used it. And it DOES have 3.0 Honeycomb, which IS made for tablets. The iPad 2 is still a better tablet, but is it not possible some of the iPad 2's sales have come from just the Apple name? People will buy an Apple product even if it didn't have a feature.

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  • BaldiMac
    Mar 22, 03:38 PM
    The iPad two does have some shortcomings, few of which are worth going to to here. However, the OS of these devices IS crucial and we are beginning to see iOS creaking slightly. In terms of looks and notifications, for me, Apple is lagging. I like how the Playbook looks and potentially, should operate. Will I make a snap judgement? No. I'll try the damn thing first before making a judgement.

    Why are you comparing the Playbook that is coming out this summer to iOS 4? Chances are it will be competing with iOS 5. If you want to be fair and all.

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  • DJMastaWes
    Aug 26, 04:10 PM
    So, if Merom is out the 28th and possiblity of Merom MBPs comeing out the 29th? or sometime BEFORE September.

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  • aloshka
    Apr 25, 03:08 PM
    My Garmin saves way points too!

    SUE THEM!!!! I don't understand how my personal information can be on my phone. I'm suing everyone! I'm suing mac rumors too, because I just posted a private message, and it's visible on this forum.

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  • Reach
    Sep 19, 12:05 PM
    History has shown that having a product out sooner... doesn't mean you win the market.

    The video game market is completely different, the analogy is just a stupid attempt at making people that think Apple should realease up-to-date hardware look stupid. Have fun at that, it didnt do much in convincing me that I should buy a CD when a C2D is just around the corner.

    All you people trying to make us feel like complete morons for waiting and wanting a new (AND BETTER) chip, what's wrong with you?! Did you just buy a MBP and feel the need to piss on everyone that is about to get a beter machine than you? Or is it just PMS or some other hormonal condition?

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  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 8, 12:43 AM
    Can't you also get them from AT&T? Also, the Apple Store in Santa Monica never has a line for new iPhones or iPads for some reason. I guess they work fast?

    I meant last year when the iPhone 4 was released....

    Sep 19, 10:35 PM
    Why should it bother you that new processors come out?
    why shouldnt it?

    Mar 20, 07:56 AM
    Until we have publicly funded campaigns, there will be no change. As long as it costs millions to get elected, business will continue to set policy, maintain the farce of two different parties and basically run the country, a situation I think the OP of this thread is in favour of.

    Agreed. The 2012 race seems to be one for the books as far as campaign contributions are concerned.

    This should all go public.

    Mar 31, 04:24 PM
    what is this bash apple competitors day?

    Bubba Satori
    Mar 26, 12:23 PM
    Is Apple moving to close the source on more and more of OS X ?

    Yes, as more and more of iOS moves into OS X.

    Apr 19, 01:59 PM
    wow @ post 2.

    apple will have a hard time fighting this in court.

    And which one was shown to the public first? And why is there a ton of articles calling it an "iPhone clone"?


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