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  • monster620ie
    Apr 5, 08:34 PM
    Looking forward to the new FCP :D

    If you are trying to learn FCP, check out Larry Jordan tutorials. I learned a lot.

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  • Macinbest
    Aug 28, 01:50 AM
    They are indeed having support problems...

    I sent my iMac in for repairs at a service center on July 24th (they changed the power supply, HD, superdrive), and I didn't have the computer back until August 25th!!!! 32 days! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    Called the store many times and they were waiting for apple to ship the parts... called Apple and I was forwarded to their Dispatch dept. and indeed nothing had been sent.. :mad:

    I wonder... could I possibly complain enough to get my AppleCare reimbursed or something as a compensation.. I mean 32 days without my main computer... coding on a 12" ibook 600 has been rather aggravating.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 02:11 PM
    Of course, had the case been deemed totally unfounded by Apple Legal and their bunch of advisors, it wouldn't have been brought to court at all.
    At the same time, if there is any chance that the case has some merit, a company will sue for sure, if points 1 and 2 above are not considered to do more damage than good.

    There is probably some merit to some of the claims, so are probably more ambitious and some are probably completely sure to get thrown out. The thing is, the more claims they throw in there the better they have a footing for eventual settlement negotiations.

    Just like you never open with your lowest price, you never open with only the claims you are 100% sure are going to win. ;)

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  • emulator
    Mar 26, 10:07 AM
    Since when do companies release several GMs? betas, release candidates yes, but there should and will be only ONE gold master.

    And zero "golden master". :D

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  • marksman
    Mar 22, 03:04 PM
    I don't get all the negative ratings/comments.

    1. Competition is good (I know this is hardly an original point)

    People keep saying that but in the smartphone market and now especially in the tablet market we have seen no evidence of that at all.

    In the tablet market Apple has released an iPad and an iPad 2 with literally no competition to impact their design or product and they have both been home runs.

    In the smart phone market, the iPhone came along and 4+ years later the only competition are all iPhone clones. There is no competition pushing or driving the market. Apple drives the market for both these segments and they do it regardless of what the competition is doing... and all the competition is doing in both cases is copying Apple, so that makes no difference at all.

    So besides being cliche and tired, the competition is good mantra is not even accurate or true when it comes to these Apple market segments.

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  • logandzwon
    Apr 19, 02:51 PM
    The First Commercial GUI
    Xerox's Star workstation was the first commercial implementation of the graphical user interface. The Star was introduced in 1981 and was the inspiration for the Mac and all the other GUIs that followed.

    -The Star was not a commercial product. Xerox didn't sell them. (Well eventually they did, but not as PCs. they were to be similar to what we'd call a terminal today.)
    -the middle image is actually of an Apple Lisa. I think you were just showing as a comparison, but some people might think your saying it's a Star. It's not. It's a Lisa.
    -Apple compensated Xerox for the ideas borrowed from the Star. SJ and the mac team were already working on the GUI before any of them ever saw the Star though. Also, Macintosh 1 wasn't a copy of the Star. In fact a lot of the stables of a modern GUI today were innovated by Apple for the Macintosh.

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  • jhedges3
    Aug 11, 02:57 PM
    See now that is something I never understood, how the cell service can be so poor in a place like NYC, yet I was making calls on my CDMA phone in the middle of Wyoming this summer. In fact, there are few places in very unpopulated midwest and west that you can't get a decent signal at least with a CDMA phone. People that come here with GSM are out of luck anywhere except metro areas.
    New York has more of something than Wyoming, which is buildings. These buildings make it more difficult for signal to get to people, I think. For whatever reasons CDMA seems to work much better here than GSM.

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  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 8, 02:16 AM
    Just to let y'all know, unless someone else knows otherwise, Best Buy makes zero off Apple product sales (that haven't been marked up).

    I read this thread and I noted that someone pointed out that BB apparently marks up some items -Airports, Time Machines, etc. I found this odd since Apple controls all the pricing, but eh, not going to question that since those are the facts I'm assuming (can't be bothered to go on a comparing spree).

    Anyway, the iPad 2s aren't marked up, thus they make zero.
    Each department should be meeting their budget daily. How do they do that? By selling products they make notional margin and that allows that department to meet their budget. On a slow, sh-tty day, a department may only be 70% to budget; on a fast, awesome day, a department may be 110% to budget.

    But when you make zero off iPad sales, keeping them away from customers does not help notional margin. Doesn't bring them any closer to hitting budget. The only way they'd make money on that iPad sale would be selling accessories or the Black Tie protection. But that's entirely something else.
    Best Buy makes zero notional margin on iPad sales, so they're not withholding stock to meet daily budgets.

    I can't explain why they're doing this, but given my knowledge, I can invalidate the claim that managers are hoarding iPads so that they can meet budget every day.

    Cheers! :D

    This is not entirely true. The apple tv2 best buy sells for $99 and best buys cost is around $90. Also, best buy honors student discounts on apple products. Apple does not reimburse bby for that. You really think bby is going to pay customers to buy apple products?

    Anyway, I hate bby. I used to work there. Few of the employees give a **** about the customer.

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  • nukiduz
    Aug 7, 05:15 PM
    From Vista Help:
    "Previous versions of files and folders are copies that Windows automatically saves as part of a restore point. Any file or folder that was modified since the last restore point was made (usually 24 hours earlier) is saved and made available as a previous version. You can use previous versions of files to restore files that you accidentally modified or deleted, or that were damaged."

    I can use this now but without childish animations. Simple right-click the folder and select "restore previous versions".

    For me the Leopard preview was a big disappointment. No innovative features but silly Vista bashing all the time. Come on, Apple!

    What about flash drives? Meta data organisation in Finder? Media streams over local networks? Better window management? Spaces is the next answere to the incomplete Dockbar-conception (Expos� was the first and Time Maschine is a next interface ornateness).

    Preview and network-wide search in Spotlight? Who is copying here?

    I can't believe that: but now Vista looks innovativ!

    i completely agree. just hope that the top secret thing makes us think other way.

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  • evilgEEk
    Aug 11, 06:08 PM
    You might want to read some reviews on the Chocolate before buying it. I've seen a handful of reviews that were less than favorable.

    A good resource is They usually have a decent amount of user reviews upon which you can base your purchasing decisions.
    A good friend of mine just bought one and it definitely seems to be the best phone Verizon is currently offering. I also want a slider, I'm tired of flip phones, although if the iPhone was a flip I'm sure I could handle a flip phone for a few more years. ;)

    Verizon's phone selection is just horrible, but that's not enough for me to change services. Especially since I've personally never had a single problem with Verizon coverage or customer service, they've always been great.

    I think I'm going to hold off for a month or so, just because I don't have the cash to get a Chocolate and then an iPhone. And if an iPhone is released, I'll obviously have to get one. ;)

    EDIT: Thanks for the link though, I'll definitely check it out. :)

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  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:48 PM
    What I gather would really make the iPhone something special:

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  • mabaker
    Mar 31, 09:32 PM
    Free, open, and free!!!!!!!!! Google fanboiis have been raving about Apple and Google is turning into the very same Xerox machine like the whole others out there. Not that it wasn�t copying Apple in first place.

    It�s juts ironical.

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  • Tones2
    Apr 11, 02:20 PM
    The only downside is, Apple may be so darn busy in the fall with new products, that you won't even be able to get in their stores!

    That's why god created the internet.......:D

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  • Nuvi
    Apr 12, 05:50 AM

    Avid is holding a great promotion to switch over to Media Composer if you are an FCP user. I am considering it based on what Apple shows us today.

    It's good to remember that Avid is offering the production suit version for FCP users so you'll be getting some additional software like Sorenson Squeeze, Boris Continuum Complete etc. If I remember correctly Boris Continuum Complete is around $1500, Sorenson Squeeze is $800. That's nice when you think that under a $1000 you get Avid MC 5.5 and all the rest of the apps and you're still left with your original FCP license.

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  • 3CCD
    Aug 5, 08:28 PM
    Microsoft execs have already gone on record recently saying that the rescheduled schedule for the revised schedule for scheduling the release of Vista now has a 20% chance of slipping.

    The way thats written cracks me up, not sure if you were being funny or not with a sense of sarcasm (nothing against you). It just makes me think of how great Apple is.

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  • bbplayer5
    Mar 31, 03:19 PM
    Android > iOS. This just makes it even better that they are going to tighten up with providers are doing to bend over the consumer.

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  • Ensoniq
    Jul 28, 12:12 AM
    Just to clarify a few things...

    Merom does NOT use less power than Yonah. The cause of confusion about this is that Merom DOES use less power than the Pentium M. And Conroe uses less power than the Pentium D and Pentium 4. And Woodcrest uses less power than the previous Xeon chips. So people are confusing the latter as a misrepresentation of the former.

    Merom uses the same amount of power essentially per MHz as Yonah. However, it is 20% more efficient than Yonah is. So while putting Merom into any of the current machines will NOT make them cooler or use less power than the Yonah versions, they will all:

    1 - Be approximately 20% faster at the same MHz rating.
    2 - Have 64-bit capability.
    3 - Have enhanced SSE (closer to AltiVec than previous Intel chips.)

    Some of the Merom chips also have twice the L2 cache (4 MB vs. 2 MB) which would also increase speeds, but the other items above are more important in the grand scheme of things.

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  • neko girl
    Mar 3, 11:12 PM
    Invalid because it endorses something that could cause the collapse of society
    This is true because you say it's true?

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  • blackpond
    Apr 11, 04:37 PM
    This is bunk. Apple will not miss Christmas. Period, end of discussion.

    If the 5 launches a short while before Christmas, the supply constraints would be 10x worse than they are for the iPad right now.

    The only thing this rumor proves is that bloggers, speculators, and analysts are getting irritated with the lack of solid info compared to this time last year.

    Apple can create Christmas any day of the year.

    Aug 25, 04:35 PM
    Over the years I have bought a lot of computers for my business from a lot of different venders. To be honest Apple hardware support has never impressed me! :mad: I have actually had much better support from Dell than from Apple.

    As far as .Mac goes it is one of the most poorly supported systems I have ever used in my life. They have a lousey limited faq sheet, common problems, email support is pitiful, and they don't take voice support. .Mac is a joke for $100.00 a year.

    In general Apple's entire help system in OS X sucks. Searchs within the context of an application gives you all kinds of crap from every application on the system. Also there is no depth to the system. If your problem isn't the most elementary problem possible (99% of which you can figure out yourself) then it won't be in any of the help files.

    Just out of curiosity... what kind of problems could you possibly have with .mac? I mean, I've never had any email problems, Setting it up in Mail is as simple as possible... the online interface is simple...

    I dunno... hearing people complain about customer service regarding .mac seems funny to me. What types of problems have you had with it?

    Granted, there are problems with the mac hardware. but till date, I've found apple tech support excellent. They have always replaced my hardware with no questions asked. In fact, they replaced my whole LCD screen on my 3 year old powerbook just because of a white spot.

    I wish I had such luck. Apparently if you have a 15" powerbook, they'll replace that display with no questions asked. I have a 12" powerbook without a single scratch on it that i treat like a baby... but apparently it's my fault because i put too much pressure on it... even though i use a sleeve in a cushioned pocket of a cushioned bag. o_O

    ergh. :mad:

    Jun 15, 06:30 AM
    I have no choice but to go with Radio Shack.

    Despite what was told to all of us in advance
    based on upgrade eligibility after December 2010,
    a new iPhone will cost me $600.

    It comes with no commitment which is fine. I
    will get the new iPhone next year at a discount.

    So, I need that $247 store credit to bring the
    pricing down.

    I will go to the store today. The kid there knows
    me by now and I think he will help me get the
    phone on opening day.

    Still grumbling about this whole ordeal plus the
    fact that NOBODY is getting white phones.

    Nov 28, 10:39 PM

    Apr 6, 11:00 AM
    Can we also expect, ?

    -Backlit keys
    -Brighter display, colors, and IPS

    i wonder if apple could get samsung's PLS display actually. those look better than IPS

    I LOL'd. I owned iPad 1 for a year, and while it's nice, it's a FAR, FAR cry from the productivity capabilities of the current gen MBA.

    Like it or not, iPad is SEVERELY CRIPPLED for content creation (i.e. real work), but excels at content CONSUMPTION. That's factual and completely undebatable. Everyone knows this.

    So, no, it's not "something better". It's a more viable choice for entertainment and consumption. That's it.

    don't tell that to the kids who hang out at the ipad forum section.. they'll stone you =)

    What is the obsession with back-lit keys?

    Do you actually look at the keyboard when you're typing?

    well speaking only for myself.. i suck at typing, so having this feature at night helps. and being an owner of 2 MB Pros, i've been spoiled by the backlit keys

    Feb 28, 06:16 PM
    Lee, I agree with you about what you say, but he clearly did say that this was only his opinion. People are allowed that, even if it is hateful and exclusionist.

    Where did I say he could not have an opinion? All I said was that his opinion should have no bearing on my life.


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