Plan De Negocios

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  • mwswami
    Jul 23, 04:28 PM
    Well Swami I am going to have to call your bluff. Makes no sense to skip Conroe Dual Cores on the Mac Pro yet. This Winter 2007 with Clovertowns, perhaps post MacWorld SF. But not yet. And maybe not ever.
    You fill in the specs. I can't remember what speeds are being offered. This is all just a wild guestimate for discussion purposes. Please don't flame me.

    Don't worry I won't flame you. You may turn out to be right. Only two weeks to go ...

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  • notabadname
    Apr 8, 07:28 AM
    Isn't apple as equally guilty of this exact accusation against BB? Holding stock back until the next day; or is the difference that they sell everything they have available from the previous day.

    Apple isn't holding stock, they are inventorying it the evening they receive it in the drop-shipment. They sell it all in the morning before the store even opens for normal business hours the next day. (At least that is how they have done it every time in Cincinnati)

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  • dornoforpyros
    Aug 27, 08:41 PM
    you know what? I like the g5 powerbook next tuesday joke enough that I think MR should print it on a t-shirt! :)

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    I don't care if Google does it, that doesn't give Apple free reign to do it as well. Both Google and Apple need to be looked at a bit more closely.

    Also, it's free publicity for Apple, especially if this becomes a big case :p

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 27, 10:29 AM
    More like arguing about where the dessert forks and soup spoons go in the place settings. I don't think lifeboats have even entered into the conversation.

    I believe the 'long form' is rearranging the deck chairs. :)

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  • fastlane1588
    Aug 5, 05:35 PM
    iMac - No.
    iPod - No.
    MacBook - No.
    MacBook Pro - No.
    MacPro - Yes.
    Xserve - Yes.
    Displays - Yes.
    Leopard Preview - Yes.
    iPhone - Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 27, 08:51 AM
    The point is that I save on my computer what I consider the computer to be safe enough for, which includes, eg, my e-mails. I simply would like to be given the choice to decide whether I want to save certain things on my computer or not. With that database, Apple did not give me the choice because it did not inform me about this database (if it had told me, I might have run a cron job to delete it, excluded it from my TM backups, encrypted my iPhone backups, etc.).

    I did delete it last year when this story first came up, and it's been gone ever since. So when I tried to use that mapping site to track my whereabouts, it couldn't run (file not found).

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  • edenwaith
    Jul 14, 04:30 PM
    I'm not concerned so much if this rumor is true or not, but I've never fully understood the need for more than one optical drives for most of the time. At work I've occasionally needed more than one optical drive to create back ups of software CDs, but that's about it. At home, however, the need just isn't there. The retarted Dell we have at home has two optical drives because Dell was too cheap to put in a single combo DVD-ROM/CD-RW. Instead they put in a CD-RW and a CD-ROM (it was SUPPOSED to have come with a DVD-ROM, but they didn't put it in). Times like that are just dumb.

    Personally, I'd opt for more hard drive space. There was one PM model that supported up to four internal hard drives, I believe.

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  • Taustin Powers
    Aug 4, 05:50 PM
    I'll pass on the game altogether.

    What it does, Gran Turismo does to perfection....I'm just really not into what it does.

    I'm more of an arcade racing guy, so I'll stick with Burnout Paradise until it gets a worthy sequel!

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  • kev0476
    Jul 20, 09:28 AM
    New MacPro rev2.
    8 cores = 24Ghz
    (with Free fire extinguisher and ear plugs) :p

    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

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  • tumblebird
    Nov 29, 10:23 AM
    Anyone interested in creating an Universal blacklist of albums then?

    YES AND YES... oh, wait, I don't listen to any of their artists. But YES anyways. Has anyone bought a domain name yet?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 10:41 AM
    Well let's just check we are 'on the same page then'..

    Ok, lets.

    You agree Samsung have copied Apple, but only on things that you think don't really matter, while on the other hand anything where they don't look the same is terribly important..

    I agree that the pictures in the media do show some ressemblance, but since I know better, I waited for a full claims analysis. The complaint is broad and to not seperate it in parts and claim a "black or white" answer is quite disingenuous.

    In the many claims, the trademark icons remain to be seen by a court how much ressemblance/confusion there is. There is no point in arguing this since all it is at the end of the day is hot air. This one is up to a judge. Are these trademarks even registered ? If they are, what are they registered as and is Samsung's design really infringing on this ?

    Not matters we'll settle here anyway.

    As for the trade dress, again as I have stated, Apple claims a wide array of devices, yet the media have only posted pictures of the I9000. Other models don't share the ressemblances claimed here and it is baffling why Apple would put down their claims on all models. I question the validity of this one as it applies as broadly as the media paints it. Do I question for the I9000 ? Depends on the angle. In person, the phones are quite hard to confuse.

    Courts will tell again.

    Okay, got it!

    At least wait for me to validate your "on the same page" before you get it. That is what good faith discussion is about. ;)

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  • stefman
    Nov 28, 09:46 PM
    What kind of ridiculous Mafia tactics are those? This is so stupid, what if I don't buy a single Universal song? Why should they get any money?


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  • epitaphic
    Aug 19, 09:06 AM
    Can I rotate the 2nd display 90 degrees like I can in Windows?
    Short answer: Yes

    Long answer: Yes you can


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  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 11:01 AM
    To those saying they'll boycott, I'd just like to point out...

    ...Universal is by far the largest record label in the world, and those of you that say you don't listen to anyone of their artists might need to dig deeper into their subsidiaries, as just a few of the musicians in their stable are:

    The Carpenters
    Jimi Hendrix
    Carole King
    Andrea Bocell
    Four Tops
    Lionel Richie
    Cat Stevens
    The Jackson 5
    The Andrews Sisters

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  • 2ndPath
    Aug 6, 12:04 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    Why sell a new keyboard for front row, if you can sell a new Mac to the same person? Including the sensor in the Cinema Displays would enable Apple to sell more of their display, on which they probably have a very good profit margin (when you compare to other manufacturers).

    They could also just put it into the tower. Even if that is under the desk, it might not be that much of a problem. In my experience the sensor responds very nicely to the remote even if the line of sight between them is somewhat obstructed.

    However the best solution I think, was suggested by someone on these forums. I don't know, whether it has been quoted here already, because I did not go through all the messages. This poster suggested to combine the sensor with an external iSight. That could be connected to any monitor and would probably have a good IR reception because of beeing on top of the monitor and thus very exposed.

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  • Taustin Powers
    Aug 12, 04:41 AM
    Multi-quote madness!!! :eek:

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  • mazola
    Nov 29, 12:11 PM
    Why just the other day I was thinking to myself, 'There ought to be an easier way to get my money to UMG.'

    This sure beats taking out a fin, finding an envelope and stamp, digging out an address, and making the trek out to the mailbox.

    Let's face it, the Universal Music Group DESERVES our money. Sure I don't listen to Ashlee Simpson, Lindsay Lohan, or the Doggy Style All Stars but who am I to say where my money should go?

    And why on earth should an independent society for artist rights like ASCAP, BMI, or SOCAN be responsible for distributing money collected from what amounts to an MP3 tax? They'll just divy up the money to artists and music publishers according to boring criteria like record sales/radio play, etc.

    I want my money going directly to the LABEL to do whatever they see fit with no public oversight! Maybe the artists don't need the money this month and the coke-head A&R guy needs it instead? Did you ever think of that?

    Thank God UMG is FINALLY standing up for its rights and Microsoft had the good sense to listen when it agreed to implement a UMG tax in the Zune!

    Apple, pay attention, or I'll just have to mail my money to UMG instead of buying an iPod!

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  • robbyx
    Apr 25, 03:56 PM
    Sometimes I really hate my country.

    Mar 26, 07:01 AM
    Please release OS X Lion on a cool Apple flash drive :cool:

    Really don't want another DVD, my shelf is full!

    Mr. Retrofire
    Apr 6, 07:08 PM
    The GPU performance decrease is much more severe that you let on...
    ...VDA (Video Decode Acceleration) framework support : Intel 3000HD isn't supported, forget hardware accelerated decoding of Flash content in H.264.

    Apple does not install Flash Player on newer machines, so this is not a problem.

    Try ( or ClickToFlash ( or other HTML5-Safari extensions (!

    OpenCL. Big selling point for Snow Leopard, absent from most of their hardware line-up now.

    You obviously know nothing about OpenCL ( OpenCL is not hardware dependent. OpenCL programs can run even on old 300 MHz PowerPC processors, if someone writes a OpenCL-compiler for this platform.

    Apr 27, 08:27 AM
    For those of you saying you found it cool, download any of the various geotagging apps and run that. You can then plot your location on a map and get the accuracy of GPS too.

    Sep 19, 02:03 AM
    there's no reason not to switch to Core 2 Duo as they sell for the same price as Core Duo and are drop in replacement.. the only possible reason for the delay is supply shortage.. it's not unusual to see PC vendors announce new processors even though they are unable to ship them at that time, but at the same time they keep options for the older model, which ships instantly.. Apple thinks differently, they will announce the update when they're ready to ship and starting that day they cease selling the older models.. I think thats fair.. the only difference is that they don't make announcements several weeks in advance..

    Apple has no reason not to follow Intel's speed bumps, because on each speed bump the prices shifts towards the lower models, in other words Intel keeps the prices the same but speed bumps at every level.. if Apple does not update, they're keeping extra money in their pockets..

    as for the updates, I'm curious wheter it's gonna be just a processor switch or wheter they will also move from ATi to nVidia as they did in iMacs.. ATi is now owned by AMD and maybe somehow Apple bets more on nVidia because of using Intel processors only.. also I don't expect MXM slots for video cards for the same reason there's no processor socket in MBP, they ough to keep this as tight as possible..

    I personally don't care about DL SuperDrive, but as they managed to fit it into same 1" thick 17" model, they should do it with 15.4" models too..

    what I miss absolutely the most is WSXGA+ resolution in 15.4" and WUXGA in 17" - make that an option, it's so easy to do so - the displays are bog standard and can be exchanged w/o any redesign..

    I'd be in for a model with lesser GPU like X1400 or Go 7400 because it would save battery life and run cooler.. and for those who don't play - just perfect..

    otherwise I'm pretty much content with MBP..

    let's see..

    Jul 28, 03:57 AM
    You might want to make that til Tuesday September 12 when the Paris Apple Expo opens with an Apple keynote.

    Yeah, I meant around that time. I'm not going to order it on midnight august 31st :P
    It's just painfull thinking about all the goodies coming out soon.


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