animal print backgrounds

animal print backgrounds. Pink zebra print
  • Pink zebra print

  • Macaddicttt
    Mar 4, 11:54 AM

    GOP Takes Unprecedented 10-Point Lead on Generic Ballot (
    Republicans also maintain wide gap in enthusiasm about voting

    PRINCETON, NJ -- Republicans lead by 51% to 41% among registered voters in Gallup weekly tracking of 2010 congressional voting preferences. The 10-percentage-point lead is the GOP's largest so far this year and is its largest in Gallup's history of tracking the midterm generic ballot for Congress.

    No one, no one would take a poll that's seven-months out-of-date and try and pass it off as an accurate representation of current public opinion.

    animal print backgrounds. LEOPARD PRINT BACKGROUND 2

  • neiltc13
    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    It has to come back soon, think of all the sales they're losing!

    animal print backgrounds. Zebra Print Hearts
  • Zebra Print Hearts

  • thejadedmonkey
    Apr 7, 09:18 AM
    If Windows 8 doesn't have something as simple as Spaces or multiple desktops, then it's an inferior OS.

    If someone can make such a broad statement, they are an inferior person

    animal print backgrounds. stock photo : zebra print,
  • stock photo : zebra print,

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 17, 04:15 PM
    Under sharia law a woman who was raped would need like 9 witnesses to prove the man guilty. And her testimony in other cases would be half that of a man's.

    Sharia law isn't a very good thing to bring up ;)

    Indeed I would hate to live under such a system...
    but, I do think that it is worth reminding kids who smugly proclaim that they are involved in illegal activities because of skewed morals and misguided self-entitlement that there are penalties and consequences for such actions... don't you?


    animal print backgrounds. Animal Print LEOPARD Print-1
  • Animal Print LEOPARD Print-1

  • puckhead193
    Sep 7, 10:19 PM
    Kanye West does not care about mac people.
    if the price is right he'll care about anything ;)

    animal print backgrounds. Seamless tiling animal print
  • Seamless tiling animal print

  • Anthony T
    Apr 16, 09:54 AM
    My only question is if the new iPhone will just come in one color/look. I like how there is a choice of white or black with the 3GS, but if they go aluminum, I can't see them making more than one color/look.


    animal print backgrounds. Twitter Backgrounds And
  • Twitter Backgrounds And

  • scott523
    Oct 3, 01:25 PM
    This is a little disappointing that Steve is confirming to keynote MWSF 2007 when it's just October, which means he probably wants us to wait (I hope not). :(

    Besides, hasn't Steve keynoted MWSF every year?

    animal print backgrounds. exotic print animal skin
  • exotic print animal skin

  • SandynJosh
    Apr 16, 11:15 PM
    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

    That's the truth! With an Andriod download I can easy get a free Trojan program along with the app I wanted.

    The Trojans seem to work but many of the apps don't. Dam Apple to heck for not letting people load any old crapo they want into iTunes.


    animal print backgrounds. a zebra print background
  • a zebra print background

  • snberk103
    Apr 13, 09:48 AM
    The 9/11 hijackers did not bring anything on the plane that was banned. No amount of groping or searching by airport security would've prevented 9/11.

    9/11 was a failure of intelligence, not a failure of airport security.

    I thought box cutters were banned? Can you provide a link to support your statement?

    Box cutters were banned in response to 9/11. As always, airline security is reactive. Bush sold us a bill of goods while increasing the size and cost of government.

    The OP was ambiguous ... I read it that the weapons used on 9/11 were still not banned. As opposed to not banned at the time.

    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    animal print backgrounds. leopard print background
  • leopard print background

  • Jetson
    Oct 12, 10:15 AM
    The reason I posted my concern about the scratches on the 5G iPod is because I'm a longtime Apple customer. I was one of the first to buy the iPod when it came to market. I love Apple products.

    However, Apple has responded to this scratch issue very poorly. Apple won't even acknowledge that there is a problem, blaming scratches on customer abuse.

    Well when you start blaming the customers, then you are definitely on the wrong road. Customers who are not enamored of Apple (don't own a Mac) will switch to the Zune. If you can't understand the basics of how the market operates, then I can see why you are taking potshots.

    SavMan hasn't provided any reference or link to support his claim, true or not, physics or not. His claims are anecdotal. Second, whatever the cause of the proliferation of scratches which have generated many, many complaints, denying that scratches exist is foolish, indeed stupid.

    If Apple wants to keep its iPod cash cow, I sincerely hope that they address the scratch issue. There is serious competition on the horizon (Zune) and you can't take the customer for granted anymore.


    animal print backgrounds. colorful animal print
  • colorful animal print

  • artifex
    Oct 3, 05:32 PM
    I'll be the iPhone also has the ability to act as a FrontRow/iTV remote.

    That really would be the complete experience. Well, that, and also roll out something like the ancient X10 interface, so you can turn your house lights off and on. OMG, imagine being able to use voice control. And a little iPhone acting as a local mic when at home!

    animal print backgrounds. Animal Print (Fawn Print)
  • Animal Print (Fawn Print)

  • aswitcher
    Sep 12, 07:25 AM
    Ok iTunes Aus is same.


    animal print backgrounds. animal print backgrounds.
  • animal print backgrounds.

  • ddrueckhammer
    Mar 21, 08:34 AM
    Came home from work today to find the window on my back door busted open and my Xbox 360 gone. They left the Wii, PS2, 32" Samsung LCD TV, stereo, MacBook, a ton of DVDs, CDs, and games. Just took the 360, 2 controllers, the XBox Live camera and some games.

    Called the cops, they came out, dusted for prints (didn't find anything good), tooks some pictures and wrote up a report. I still have all the reciepts for the 360 so I was able to give them the serial number and thanks to Delicous Library, I had a list of all the games that were stolen.

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    But really now, who the heck does that?? A bunch of ********* kids I'm guessing. "Oh, lets steal the $400 Xbox instead of the $1500 TV or the laptop." What is this world coming to?? I live in a quiet neighborhood. The only thing I have ever seen a cop around here for is to break up a party down the road on New Years Eve. There are families with young children, a newlywed couple, a couple friends down the road. We all know each other, nobody has ever had a problem like this.

    The cops didn't give me much hope for recovering anything and I really wasn't expecting them to. It just really ticks me off that someone can have such little respect for someone else's property. Its not even a matter of the money, my landlord has good homeowner's insurance and he is a friend of mine so I think he will file a claim for me.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd post my little rant here and toss my gamertag out there. If anyone sees rtdgoldfish on Xbox Live, let them know they are a no good peice of ****** playing on a stolen system. Or if anyone knows how to track something like this, that would be great!

    Man that sucks hard. Last year our apartment was broken into and my girlfriend's 17" Powerbook was stolen and oddly enough some undergarmets from Victoria's Secret. That was all they stole too...I didn't understand why they didn't take the plasma, stereo equipment, jewelry etc. The cops said that the theives were probably in a hurry...

    Anyway, there probably isn't anything you can do about it. The cops almost never get prints and (at least in my area) are pretty apathetic about this type of thing. In our case, they didn't really investigate too much at all. There were reports of similar cases at other apartment complexes around the area but I got the feeling that none of the police departments share evidence or collaborated on it because when I called the detectives about it they acted like they didn't know what I was talking about.

    My parents were on vacation last year and their luggage was stolen out of their car. They tried to file on their homeowners insurance but the insurance company said they had to have pictures and reciepts for everything they lost. So now my Mom takes pictures of everything she buys :) ....She asked me to run to the store and get some milk for her last weekend and I felt like asking her if I should bring the camera.

    Delicious Library is an awesome program!

    In any case, install an alarm system. We have a wifi camera system, an alarm, new locks, and the complex put a guard at the gate. Hopefully, that is enough to deter any more burglaries.

    If you guys don't already know about them, look up bump keys. They are scary. Anyone can open up just about any lock with minimal effort.

    animal print backgrounds. Blue Zebra Print
  • Blue Zebra Print

  • fivepoint
    Mar 4, 12:04 PM
    No one, no one would take a poll that's seven-months out-of-date and try and pass it off as an accurate representation of current public opinion.

    If you can find more recent generic ballot data, I'd love to see it.

    Even if the graph was up-to-date as of today it would still not indicate one way or another what would happen in 2012, but rather just give us some general perception as to where the trend is headed, just like the graph I posted. A day, a week, a month... and certainly a year is a LIFETIME in politics.


    animal print backgrounds. zebra print layouts, twitter
  • zebra print layouts, twitter

  • gri
    Apr 17, 01:57 PM
    The radiation dosage from any properly maintained active scanner is still orders of magnitude less than what you get from a 4-hour flight at 10 km. Go ahead and opt out of your full-body scans... if you're doing it for the "health" reason you're tilting at a very small windmill.

    Just read this letters from 4 UCSF professors to Dr. Holdren (advisor to the president) regarding the as of yet not proven harmlessness of the X-ray backscatter devices ( Just to name a few: low dose radiation with high dose administered to the skin. Real photon Flux is not known. And - who is controlling the scanners and how to you know they are properly maintained? I am a radiologist and nuclear medicine physician and we have to report every dose the patient receives (X-rays and nuclides) - here you don't know the deposited dose. The letter is a good read and should be made much more public. The link is through NPR thankfully...

    animal print backgrounds. Leopard print background
  • Leopard print background

  • Fukui
    Sep 8, 12:04 PM
    Just take a look at the audience that was there, they all where stuned.

    I think that was the whole point! ;)


    animal print backgrounds. stock photo : Leopard print
  • stock photo : Leopard print

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 15, 07:31 PM
    Sounds like the Record companies are being their typical stupid selves. Only reason Apple is really able to get away with it is because they are Apple. It is not the closed system part but because they are Apple. I bet if the record company could they would say F you to Apple and pull out. I also would not be surpised if they regreat now making a deal with them when iTunes first launched.

    The record companies might not like the deal they struck with Apple but I bet they like the fact that they got that money still coming in. In this day and age were almost everyone pirates there music at least with iTunes some people are still buying music. Some money is better than no money.

    Amazon on it cloud stuff just said F-You to the record company and Amazon has enough sells like Apple iTMS that they can force the music company to bend over and take it.

    Without getting licensing in place before launch I can see this bitting Amazon in the ass just like what happen to Google with the Google TV. No wonder why Apple is still talking to record companies.

    animal print backgrounds. Sleepy Cheetah Animal Print
  • Sleepy Cheetah Animal Print

  • Cloudane
    Jan 9, 12:03 PM
    In terms of new stuff I think just the thin portable, as that's the only thing there's been any leaks/evidence for (the leaks usually have everything covered!)

    Other than that, refreshes - in order of likelihood: MBP refresh with the new keyboard (even tho I think it'd look a bit odd if it's white), 16GB iPhone (not 3G yet), Glossy ACD option, Cheap ACD option (watch for the gradients and poor quality!), MacBook refresh, maybe some tweak to the ATV, maybe a non Glossy iMac option (just to wind up those who bought an iMac and dislike it!).

    Things I don't expect them to update: the iMac (already done recently), the Mac Mini (ditto and they don't like updating it), or any of the iPods (also too soon) or the Mac Pro or XServe (that would be silly, and the place would get firebombed)

    animal print backgrounds. animal print backgrounds
  • animal print backgrounds

  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 12, 08:23 AM

    May 3, 08:05 PM
    While I still like android a LOT better than iOS, I think it is a little unfair that carriers aren't allowing tethering apps to be installed on devices. I am paying more than I want to for my cellphone bill, and I think I should be allowed to install a tethering app.

    Mar 18, 08:18 PM
    I agree with you on this- the comments were definitely rude.

    But I still don't think you get my point (and this includes the guy who posted below my previous post). That it doesn't mean that the other person is jealous of you. Its this attitude that irks me. And its this very attitude that so many "fanboys" share. Why in the world would someone be JEALOUS of you because you have a $200-$300 phone or even a $1500 computer?!? And because you think others envy you for it, you end up placing extraordinary value on everyday material things. I mean, seriously, is this what you use to define your status in society, what kind of phone you carry? Are you really that shallow and materialistic? I honestly feel pity for you.

    To the other poster. You were jealous of (or "hated") those who had iphones until you got one for yourself. Now you believe that everyone around you is jealous of you.

    I understand, you buy something trendy, and it makes you feel good. Thats great, I'm not arguing with that, because you should enjoy everything you have. But its this faux sense of superiority that comes with it, that makes you believe that others are envious of you because you bought this gadget. Its not like you've won the Nobel prize or even drive a Bugatti Veyron, that would make someone want what you have. No, you bought a phone. A phone that lots of people already have. A phone that my housekeeper's 11 year old son has. And any Joe Schmoe can walk into any Apple store/Walmart/Best Buy and pick one up. And when the new model comes out, you'll buy that as well, because you're chronically unsatisfied with what you have, and somehow, you feel that owning this will raise you up above the rest of society. It is people with attitudes like this (the attitude of the fanboy) that Apple capitalizes on.

    Take this as a life lesson -- set your goals higher. Don't be envious of the guy with the cooler phone.

    Oh my, you really missed the point with this one. Maybe you are right and I'm exaggerating, but if someone flat out starts being rude to someone because they see them with something, then I'm struggling to think of a reason. By no means am I placing extraordinary value on it, what have I been repeating through every page of this thread? Its just a damn phone. Keep your life lessons to yourself and try not to be so condescending.

    Also, reality is that there are a lot of people out there that get jealous of material things. Some people get jealous when they see others drive a nicer car, some get jealous when they see someone with nicer shoes then them. I perfectly understand the shallowness of the human condition. I'm simply pointing out an observation based on my own personal experience within the last few days.

    Apr 21, 11:01 AM
    I don't see this ending well. See ratings for front page articles.

    Jan 13, 10:13 AM
    Agreed that it was stupid, and may hurt credibility, but i still love reading gizmodo, and would not wish to see them banned from MW or the next CES. People do stupid things, if they do it again, ban them, but i say let them off the hook for this one.They did not emphatically apologize for poor judgement. Briam Lam himself says that the only thing he didn't approve was doing it during press conferences... but when the error has occurred, you need to apologize for the whole incident, not say, "Sorry, we only wanted to screw around with some people, not others." Vendors PAID MONEY to attend this event. Gizmodo willfully inteferered with press conferences, and hasn't editted the article to include anything resembling a wholesale apology. --Just, "Look at this COOL thing we did! Isn't it hilarious! You can do it too!"

    Sorry, they bring anything on themselves to be so childish. I honestly went looking for why people were making more out of this than they should have. I read the CNET article and Brian Lam's casual response.
    BY BRIAN LAM AT 01/10/08 06:04 PM
    @OMG! Ponies!: @rafe: Relax. It was a joke. Just because we don't do things the way you do, I don't see why that is stupid. The site has proved its intelligence. Did you see that we got Bill Gates to cop to Vista not being so good today? The point is that if we do things the way you do them at CNet, we're CNet. If you do things the way Giz and Engadget do them, you're actually...Crave. (Which I like, and do not call stupid.) Why is this so emotionally disturbing to you both? Motorola, well that was a mistake, as my explicit orders to my video person were to not interrupt press conferences. But that is for me and Moto to sort out tomorrow.
    So... "presentations", fair game, "press conferences"... avoid them... but "whoops" if we did. That's infuriatingly bad.

    BAN THEM. My opinion. It would have been different had they owned up, but they're not... which means they're proud of it. No good.
    Gizmodo is responsible for this because it vouched for the prankster and obtained a credential for him. Media organizations put their reputations at stake each time they obtain a credential for someone, whether it's to a high school basketball game, a trade show or a political event.Gizmodo WAS the prankster ( This wasn't a "rogue" guy. Just read their own description of it.
    Confessions: The Meanest Thing Gizmodo Did at CES
    CES has no shortage of displays. And when MAKE offered us some TV-B-Gone clickers to bring to the show, we pretty much couldn't help ourselves. We shut off a TV. And then another. And then a wall of TVs. And we just couldn't stop. (And Panasonic, you're so lucky that 150-incher didn't have an active IR port.) It was too much fun, but watching this video, we realize it probably made some people's jobs harder, and I don't agree with that (Especially Motorola). We're sorry. [Thanks to Phil Torrone for the gear, video, editing and mischief by Richard Blakeley]

    Apr 22, 07:31 AM
    All seems rather silly to me.

    Over the years, there must have been 85 threads on some type of reputation/like/thanks system and it's always been shot down (thankfully). What changed?

    Remember that this is just a test. Maybe Arn and others want to try it out and see how it works. In the future they can then say that it was tried but it didn't work out that well.


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